1st quarter

Review applications and select a school to support for the year.

3rd quarter

Raise money and generate in-kind donations. Through a variety of fundraising methods and events, spread the mission and message of Sports for a Cause to generate funds to support the identified list of needs.

2nd quarter

Meet with the Athletic Director to establish greatest areas of need across all teams and athletic facilities at the school. 

4th quarter

Host "Distribution Day" event(s) at the school to distribute the equipment and unveil any facility updates.



Athletic Directors - submit your application here

Each year, Sports for A Cause invites High School Athletic Directors to submit an application for funding assistance for their school.



What we fund:



Game equipment

Practice equipment

Locker room equipment

Dugouts - painting and minor repairs

Athletic fields - aesthetic and functional elements



Step up to the plate

Get involved!  We are always looking for passionate volunteers to help the organization in a variety of ways.