
Our Approach

Our Mission

Thousands of kids right here in our Denver community attend schools or programs that lack funding to adequately support athletics. Our goal is to work directly with under-­resourced schools, after-­school/summer programs and sports leagues that struggle due to lack of funding to help make sports and athletics a reality for kids.

Our Story

Our Story

Sports for a Cause is a Denver, Colorado based 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization created by Brandon Tosti. Tosti resides in Arvada, Colorado, and spent over 14 years in the sports industry . The project was inspired by an article that Tosti read in an August 2007 issue of Sports Illustrated. The graphic pictures provided a shocking reality of the state of New Orleans schools and youth athletic facilities nearly 2 ½ years after the storm. Knowing that many people wanted to help but didn’t know how or where to start, Tosti realized that the sports industry provided the perfect mix of knowledge, experience and networks necessary to successfully execute a project of this magnitude.

Today, the organization's focus is solely on Colorado schools.  Each year, the organization selects one school to assist with new uniforms and equipment. Public Elementary, Middle and High Schools are eligible to apply for the organization's assistance.

Next Steps...

Every dollar makes a difference. You can make a donation online or send a check to Sports for A Cause at: PO Box 13373 Denver, CO 80204