best archer units in history

[72] It was often consciously styled in the manner of a Medieval tournament with titles and laurel wreaths being presented as a reward to the victor. Legendary figures from the tombs of Thebes are depicted giving "lessons in archery". [55] Towards the end of the 19th century, the sport experienced declining participation as alternative sports such as croquet and tennis became more popular among the middle class. 10 Jeorge - … The force they were fighting, on the other hand, was one of the best in the world at that time. They were often rather long, up to 120 cm (4 ft) and made of European hazel (Corylus avellana), wayfaring tree (Viburnum lantana) and other small woody shoots. ", Animals into Art, p.599, Routledge, Howard Morphy. The paleolithic paintings of Bhimbetka rock shelters depict archery. The Immortals were one of the most feared units of the ancient world, no matter what the movie 300 would have us believe. Overall, they flew over 15,000 sorties, destroyed 261 German aircraft throughout the war, and earned 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses for their performance. On the other hand, Paris was a great archer. The pilots were recruited from the University of Tuskegee in Alabama, even though Roosevelt had to go against many of his generals before making the decision due to old-fashioned racism. It first began as a pilot series comprising five episodes, and it ran for a week starting from 29th May 1950. Year. OCLC: 499854155. The only things Sweden may be known for today are Volvo, meatballs, and the bitter cold, though we forget that it was once one of the most feared superpowers of Europe, with an empire stretching across Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. [1] They wore a minimal amount of armor and relied primarily on scaring the enemy with their fear tactics, much of which was, “Look at those badasses who need no armor.” Even during the Battle of Thermopylae, they ended up succeeding by attacking the rear of the Spartan defense, and they won most of the battles they ever took part in. [67] Among Montrose's army were bowmen. Mounted archers were used as the main military force for many of the equestrian nomads, including the Cimmerians and the Mongols. They are best used against hoplies and chariots. Archery, or the use of bow and arrows, was developed by the end of the Upper Paleolithic or earlier. The Old Testament has multiple references to archery as a skill identified with the ancient Hebrews. Give strict orders that all men, even the samurai, carry guns. A lot has been said and written about the Spartan war with Persia during the ancient times, though we forget that most of it doesn’t narrate the full story. A right exelent and pleasaunt dialogue, betwene Mercury and an English souldier contayning his supplication to Mars: bevvtified with sundry worthy histories, rare inuentions, and politike deuises. The Nuzi texts detail the bows and the number of arrows assigned to the chariot crew. Stephen Selby. Rich: gen. 1574. His brother Hector is a legendary warrior in one on one combat. [18], Archery seems to have arrived in the Americas via Alaska, as early as 6000 BC,[19] with the Arctic small tool tradition, about 2,500 BC, spreading south into the temperate zones as early as 2,000 BC, and was widely known among the indigenous peoples of North America from about 500 AD. Particularly influential was Sir Walter Scott's 1819 novel, Ivanhoe that depicted the heroic character Locksley winning an archery tournament.[73]. A group of three archers encircled by a group of four is found in Cueva del Roure, Morella la Vella, Castellón, Valencia. It was only one of the battles in the Great Northern War, fought between Russia and Sweden for the control of various territories. Archery was widespread by the time of the earliest pharaohs and was practiced both for hunting and use in warfare. The Elven archers from Lórien use large bows of Mallorn wood strung with elf-hair. [10], In the Sahara, Mesolithic rock art of the Tassili plateau depicts people carrying bows from 5,000 BP or earlier.[11][12]. The archers served as an integral division of the military and was used on foot and on chariots. Available at level 1. Based on indirect evidence, the bow seems also to have appeared or reappeared later in Eurasia around the Upper Paleolithic. A big reason was their army known as the Caroleans, named after King Charles XI, who conscripted them. Increases archer attack bonus by 40%. Despite the high social status, ongoing utility, and widespread pleasure of archery, almost every culture that gained access to even early firearms used them widely, to the relative neglect of archery. Besides providing the account of the training of the archers, Vasiṣṭha's Dhanurveda describes the different types of bows and arrows, as well as the process of making them. Many subsequent English kings employed housecarls as an elite part of their forces as well as provided them with various administrative roles and senior political positions along with their traditional cutting-people-down duties, somewhat like knights in later centuries. Adrian Eliot Hodgkin. It wasn’t until the end of Alexander’s reign, when he went to India on his final campaign, that the Argyraspides were formed and given their silver shields. They were some of the most elite soldiers in the region, known for their prowess with the weapon, and were regularly hired as mercenaries by many countries to aid them in their regular rampages across Europe.[3]. Journal of Chinese Martial Studies, Winter 2010 Issue 2. Julius Caesar's armies in Gaul included Cretan archers, and Vercingetorix his enemy ordered "all the archers, of whom there was a very great number in Gaul, to be collected". W. F. PATERSON, Saracen Archery, An English version and exposition of a mameluke work on Archery (ca. The nomads from the Eurasian steppes are believed to play an integral part in introducing the composite bow to other civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Iran, India, East Asia, and Europe. This practice was continued by the Ottoman subject nations, despite the Empire itself being a proponent of early firearms. Archer: Fate/Stay Night: Novel series / TV series / Computer game Bard the Bowman: The Hobbit: Novel / Film series Beleg: The Silmarillion The Lays of Beleriand The Children of Húrin: Novel series Daryl Dixon: The Walking Dead: TV series Eirin Yagokoro: Touhou Project: Imperishable Night: Video game Ellie: The Last of Us: Video game Clint Barton (Hawkeye) The Avengers The art of traditional archery remained in minority use for sport and for hunting in Turkey up until the 1820s, but the knowledge of constructing composite bows, fell out of use with the death of the last bowyer in the 1930s. [25], Chariot-borne archers became a defining feature of Middle Bronze Age warfare, from Europe to Eastern Asia and India. These modern forms are now dominant in modern Western archery; traditional bows are in a minority. The Dhanurveda enumerates the rules of archery, and describes the uses of weapons and the training the army. The Japanese continue to make and use their unique traditional equipment. ", In Ireland, Geoffrey Keating (c. 1569 – c. 1644) mentions archery as having been practiced "down to a recent period within our own memory."[61]. [35][36], The people of Crete practiced archery and Cretan mercenary archers were in great demand. kitab ʻuniyat al-ṭullāb fī maʻrifat al-rāmī bil-nushshāb. Boudot-Lamotte, A. A depiction of a larger battle (which may, however, date to the early Neolithic), in which eleven archers are attacked by seventeen running archers, is found in Les Dogue, Ares del Maestrat, Castellón, Valencia. The history of the radio program said shortly. This is a list of the top 1000 archers by Exp seen in the past two weeks in RotMG. The use of bows and arrows continued to be used as the mainstay of most Indian armies until the advent of firearm, introduced by Islamic gunpowder empires. They traditionally fought with heavy two-handed battle axes, though were also proficient with spears and swords with their trademark kite-shaped shields. Richard Osgood and Sarah Monks with Judith Toms. The Chariot warriors of the Kassites relied heavily on the bow. [4] (The housecarls were also covered head-to-toe in mail armor.) [21] Stone wrist-guards, interpreted as display versions of bracers, form a defining part of the Beaker culture and arrowheads are also commonly found in Beaker graves. The last recorded use of bows in battle in England seems to have been a skirmish at Bridgnorth; in October 1642, during the English Civil War, an impromptu militia, armed with bows, was effective against un-armoured musketmen. Charles E. Grayson, Mary French, Michael J. O'Brien. 264 pp76-82. After the fall of the western empire, the Romans came under severe pressure from the highly skilled mounted archers belonging to the Hun invaders, and later Eastern Roman armies relied heavily on mounted archery. The ethnohistory of the military labour market in Hindustan, 1450–1860. They served the Romans for pay and the promise of citizenship when their work was completed.Auxiliaries came from all over the empire and beyond. Archers in general are superior to infantry and Monks, and can very effectively eliminate Villagers. diverse. [27] Some Egyptian deities are also connected to archery. Cherub Sting and Angel Washizu: History Much of this expertise is available in the Traditional Bowyer's Bibles (see Further reading). During the era of the Gupta Empire mounted archery was largely supplanted by foot archers. They also penetrated steel armour without any need to develop special musculature. Jebe, the Archer Who Shot Genghis Khan’s Favorite Horse This is esentially the core of combat in a game when you strip advanced ai considerations and factors and just have units go at each other when half have 1 range the other half have more than 1 range. [8] Russia eventually won the war, which led to Sweden’s influence waning soon after, though Caroleans are still remembered as one of the best armies to have ever been formed in Europe. Young women could not only compete in the contests but retain and show off their sexuality while doing so. Yup, Swiss pikemen. While it was earlier believed that they had successfully protected all the bombers by the end of the war, a few records uncovered later do mention some bombers that were downed, though their record is still impressive. The rest of the Middle East also lost the continuity of its archery tradition at this time. Joseph Ki Zerbo: History of Africa yesterday to tomorrow, Haiter: 1978, pp. [47][48], The Sasanian general Bahram Chobin has been credited with writing a manual of archery in Ibn al-Nadim's catalogue Kitab al-Fihrist.[49]. For the TV series of the same name, see Archer (TV series). The "Nine bows" were a conventional representation of Egypt's external enemies. The Sanskrit term for archery, dhanurveda, came to refer to martial arts in general. This was in contrast to the nomadic armies on horseback from Central Asia such as the Iranian, Scythians, Parthians, Kushans, and Hunas. The fear their mention struck into the hearts of warriors was a weapon in and of itself. Top Archers. The very best men to romance as an archer in Skyrim. Arabica. However they are not good in attack, but are an essential part of a good defence. The war between Christianity and Islam—of which the Iberian Peninsula, particularly Spain, was a focal point—at the time is what they’re remembered for the most; they were a part of some of the most pivotal victories on the Christian side, including taking back Constantinople. Science Advances 12 Jun 2020: Vol. In addition to their prowess in war, their reputations alone gave enemy soldiers pause long before they’d stepped onto the battlefield. They were so efficient that not only did the Hapsburgs leave them alone somewhere at the end of the 15th century due to all the defeats, but every other country soon started asking the pikemen to fight for them as mercenaries as well, cementing their reputation as some of the best heavy infantry units in all of Europe.[10]. [66] The last use of the bow in battle in Britain is said to have occurred at the Battle of Tippermuir in Scotland on 1 September 1644, when James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose's Royalist highlanders defeated an army of Scottish Covenanters. As their empire grew, they recruited auxiliary archers from other nations. Horace A. Ford helped to improve archery standards and pioneered new archery techniques. One of the most important and pivotal parts of British history is when the Vikings showed up. Three-In-One Press, 2010. When they started out, Macedonia would have never had a chance against the cavalry-heavy armies of Persia, though things changed when they conquered the kingdom of Thessaly (now in modern Greece, obviously) and got their elite Thessalian cavalrymen, along with the rest of Philip II’s trained army. 19, no. Early recreational archery societies included the Finsbury Archers and the Kilwinning Papingo, established in 1688. 24, eaba3831DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba3831. A remote group in Brazil, recently photographed from the air, aimed bows at the aeroplane. "Have them bring as many guns as possible, for no other equipment is needed. General meetings were held from 1789, in which local lodges convened together to standardise the rules and ceremonies. As well as its emphasis on display and status, the sport was notable for its popularity with females. The Battle of Cerignola in 1503 was won by Spain mainly by the use of matchlock firearms, marking the first time a major battle in Europe was won through the use of firearms. A.D. 1368), with Introduction, Glossary, and Illustrations, London (The Holland Press) 1970, XL + 219 pp". Remains of these creatures were found in the same sediment as the bone points. Asano Yukinaga, 1598 AD, letter to his father, quoted in The Samurai, by S.R. There are several commanders that have special abilities to make the most of Archer units: Tomoe Gozen, … While there were your famous knights and cavalrymen, one unit that doesn’t get as much recognition is Genoese crossbowmen. Journal of Archaeological Science, 35:1566–1580. However, the mounted archer is the only ranged unit can escape somewhat heavy units, also light units and other ranged units, it can attack opposing on 1st turn and is effective against both artillery units and heavy units, but is the even more deadly compare to fast units and artillery units with ability Dug-in. Great raiding units, great archer units, great all around unit killers. The bow was used extensively on foot as well on chariots. While they were a part of many great victories, one of the most prominent ones was when they aided the pro-papacy rebels against the Holy Roman Empire (yes, they were different sides; long story) and successfully defeated the imperial army and looted their treasure during the Battle of Parma in the 13th century. Firearms diffused throughout Eurasia by the gunpowder empires, gradually reducing the importance of archery in warfare. European Neolithic fortifications, arrow-heads, injuries, and representations indicate that, in Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Europe, archery was a major form of interpersonal violence. c. 120°) around the imaginary longitudinal axis extending from the centre of the socket or tang. Al Herrin. DTG Productions 9,519 views [13], Other early indications of archery in Europe come from Stellmoor in the Ahrensburg valley north of Hamburg, Germany. The composite bow in India was being used by 2nd millennium BCE. [22] For example, the Neolithic settlement at Carn Brea was occupied between around 3700 and 3400 BC; excavations found that every timber structure on the site had been burnt, and there was a concentration of arrow heads around a probable entrance to the enclosure; these arrows may have been used by a large group of archers in an organized assault. The last regular unit armed with bows was the Archers’ Company of the Honourable Artillery Company, ironically a part of the oldest regular unit in England to be armed with gunpowder weapons. Archer; Archer: Archers have a relatively good speed and can carry a large amount of booty. Damage: The base damage a unit does per attack. A lot has been said about the Knights Templar, though we either conflate it with or entirely ignore the Knights Hospitaller when we speak about the most potent units that participated in the Holy Wars. "Archer" redirects here. That’s only because we haven’t been paying attention to its history, though everyone who has ever thought of attacking them surely did—and chose to leave them alone. The existence of Dhanurveda or "Science of Archery" in antiquity is evident from references made in several works of ancient literature. They were associated with artifacts of the late Paleolithic (11,000–9,000 BP). Re: Which civ has the best archer/skirmisher rush in the gam Archers take ages to make, so the Azt speed bonus (almost as good as Brit ARs) is real good. For as long as people have existed, so have reasons for them to fight, either for territorial domination, resources, or, in more recent cases, fossil fuel reserves. [81] Archery is the national sport of the Kingdom of Bhutan. [29] Cavalry from the Celtic tribes. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzīyah, Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr. [17] Arrows were destructive against massed formations, and the use of archers often proved decisive. Hong Kong University Press 2000. ]: [s.n. Unique archer units are trained at the Castle. It also continues to be a popular sport, most commonly in the form of target archery, but in some places also for hunting. In Korea, the transformation of archery to a healthy pastime was led by Emperor Gojong, and is the basis of a popular modern sport. Hit Points: The amount of damage a unit can take before it dies. Their role primarily consisted of escorting bombers against Germany’s war machine, as the bomber units were still all-white. (Ever seen the pope’s bodyguards? [32] Vedic hymns in the Rigveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda lay emphasis on the use of the bow and arrow. 793 in Descriptive catalog of the Garrett collection of Arabic manuscripts in the Princeton university library. They proved their merit as one of the most (possibly the most) feared armies in Europe in many battles, the most notable of them being the Battle of Narva, where a force of Caroleans defeated an advancing army of Russians about four times its size. The Arthashastra, a military treaties written by Chanakya during the Maurya Era, goes in depth on the importance and implementation of archery. He could be found shouting obscenities at strangers on Twitter, or trying his hand at amateur art on Instagram. While they scored some pretty awesome victories in the beginning, they admittedly fell prey to one of the oldest tricks in the book: advancing into Russia during the winter. There are three exceptions: The Genitour, the Slinger, and the Imperial Skirmisher (unique upgrade of the Elite Skirmisher, available to the Vietnamese and their allies) are trained at the Archery Range. There are arrowheads from the earliest chariot burials at Krivoye Lake, part of the Sintashta culture about 2100–1700 BC. The earliest definite remains of bow and arrow from Europe are possible fragments from Germany found at Mannheim-Vogelstang dated 17,500–18,000 years ago, and at Stellmoor dated 11,000 years ago. Reislaufer, Swiss mercenaries who were proficient with pikes, soon went on to fight alongside the best armies in many wars across Europe to great success, right up until pikes got kind of redundant with the advent of firearms. The composite bow was first produced in the Eurasian Steppes during the Bronze Age, and from there it diffused throughout the Old World. ... Kusunoki Masashige is a hero because he “stands in the history of his country as the ideal figure of a warrior, compact of civil and military virtues in a high degree.” ... Increases the attack of archer units by 15% and defense of archer units by 15%. He killed very many Achaean soldiers in the Trojan War. Another treatise, A book on the excellence of the bow & arrow of c. 1500 details the practices and techniques of archery among the Arabs of that time. Regardless, it’s historically established that they were by far the best unit in his army at the end of his campaign. [1] Archers, whether on foot, in chariots or mounted on horses were a major part of most military forces until they began being gradually supplemented, then replaced, by firearms in the Late Middle Ages and in the early modern period. [79][80], In modern times, mounted archery continues to be practiced as a popular competitive sport in modern Hungary and in some Asian countries but it is not recognized as an international competition. Archer units are trained at the Archery Range and become available in the Feudal Age. They had shallow grooves on the base, indicating that they were shot from a bow.[14]. Best Drawn-Out Discussions About Books. McEwen E, Bergman R, Miller C. Early bow design and construction. The ends show traces of fletching, which was fastened on with birch-tar. They were sort of his personal bodyguards on the battlefield and, along with the shields, carried the hoplite dory (a spear) as their main weapon. He is voiced by H. Jon Benjamin. Read about more elite military forces from history on 10 Brave Warrior Classes Of World History and 10 Insane Ways Spartan Boys Were Made Into Warriors. However, they had a longer effective range (up to 200 yards for the longbow, up to 600 yards for the musket),[62][64] greater penetration,[65] and were tactically superior in the common situation of soldiers shooting at each other from behind obstructions. [71] Bows and arrows saw considerable use in the 2007–2008 Kenyan crisis. But it was when Thessaly was conquered by the Macedonians that they truly lived up to their potential. Himanshu has written for sites like Cracked, Screen Rant, The Gamer and Forbes. It was incorporated into the standing armies of the Mahajanapadas, and used in mounted warfare on horses, camels, and elephants with a howdah. And they had a lot of enemies, including the Byzantine Empire (who they were allied with at first but turned against as soon as their leader was assassinated by them), the Turks, Genoa, and pretty much anyone around the Mediterranean region stupid enough to pick a fight with them. [83] They led the commercial development of new forms of bow including the modern recurve and compound bow. Archery, Romance and Elite Culture in England and Wales, c. 1780–1840", "2009 Chinese Traditional Archery Seminar",, Articles with dead external links from January 2020, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 3 March 2021, at 17:10. Sterling Malory Archer, best known as simply Archer, is the main character of the eponymous show who is considered to be the world's deadliest spy. From then until at least the 18th century (as their power was diminished after Napoleon invaded their home kingdom of Malta), they participated in many successful wars, many times being the decisive factor in the many victories against the Ottomans, as well as taking part in most of the Crusades. What we don’t realize is that Catalonia was once a power to be reckoned with on its own, and it wasn’t until far later that they were consolidated into the Spanish Empire. Śukranīti describes it as that ‘upaveda of yajurveda’ which has five arts or practical aspects. With them, they brought their unique fighting styles and weapons and, of course, their own brand of elite corps that hadn’t been seen in the region before: housecarls (also known as huscarls). Traditional Archery from Six Continents: The Charles E. Grayson Collection. Increases skill damage by 25%. The center section is biconvex. An Arabic manuscript of about A.D. 1500, "A book on the excellence of the bow & arrow" and the description thereof. Below are 8 auxiliary units that served on Rome’s northernmost frontier during the 2nd century AD. If you want to pick the best archers, that would be Cretan Archers. And for all the various units they can counter, they are well worth the investment. Increases archer’s attack vs infantry by 5%. Xenophon describes long bows used to great effect in Corduene. [23][24] He won the Grand National 11 times in a row and published a highly influential guide to the sport in 1856. Himanshu can be found shouting obscenities at strangers on Twitter @RudeRidingRomeo or making amateur drawings on Instagram @anartism_. Journal of Archaeological Science, 92:289–303. Before the Norman conquest, housecarls used to be personal bodyguards to the various Nordic kings, though it was when the Danish king Canute (aka Cnut) conquered England that they started showing up in the records as one of the most fearsome fighting units in Europe. Handong Global University, 2007. The Ottoman Empire still fielded auxiliary cavalry which was noted for its use of bows from horseback. All of it has to do with Swiss pikemen, possibly the most legendary fighting unit in history. This affects the cooldown of the unit. University of Manchester, 1980. Earlier in his journey with the Fellowship of the Ring, he used a bow from Mirkwood, and it was later replaced by t… [22] In approximately the same period, with the Seima-Turbino Phenomenon and the spread of the Andronovo culture, mounted archery became a defining feature of Eurasian nomad cultures and a foundation of their military success, until the massed use of guns. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1945. The Sassanid Persians will probably have some of the best archers in the game, at the very least in cost and number. Detailed accounts of training methodologies in early India considered to be an essential martial skill in early India.[34]. The empires in ancient Mesopotamia formed the first standing armies used exclusively for warfare. In Elvenar there are 5 units for each specific race to be unlocked and trained in the Barracks.Both races also have 10 shared units to unlock and train in the Training_Grounds and Mercenary_Camp.The units of both Elves and Humans have equal strength but their tactical style is a bit different. "A trilobate arrowhead can be defined as an arrowhead that has three wings or blades that are usually placed at equal angles (i.e. Scientific American 1991 vol. [67], (A more recent use of archery in war was in 1940, on the retreat to Dunkirk, when Jack Churchill, who had brought his bows on active service, "was delighted to see his arrow strike the centre German in the left of the chest and penetrate his body").[68]. The advent of firearms eventually rendered bows obsolete in warfare. Horace A. Ford (1822 - 1880) was an archer from Unite Kingdom and is considered as one of the greatest target archers of all time. Their arrows were almost four feet long and usually made of ash with a tip made of goldand shaped like a Mallorn leaf. Arab archery. [42] In particular, archery featured prominently in ancient Chinese culture and philosophy: archery was one of the Six Noble Arts of the Zhou dynasty (1146–256 BC); archery skill was a virtue for Chinese emperors; Confucius himself was an archery teacher; and Lie Zi (a Daoist philosopher) was an avid archer. Starting from 1849 he won eleven consecutive championships, and his high score of 1271 remained a record for over 70 years. Archery remained an important part of the military examinations until 1894 in Korea and 1904 in China. It also mentions an archery school at Taxila which enrolled 103 princes from different kingdoms across the empire. 'Archery in the English Civil War' (2015), The archer's craft: A sheaf of notes on certain matters concerning archers and archery, the making of archers' tackle and the art of hunting with the bow. Among the Cherokees, popular use of their traditional longbows never died out. In China, crossbows were developed, and Han Dynasty writers attributed Chinese success in battles against nomad invaders to the massed use of crossbows, first definitely attested at the Battle of Ma-Ling in 341 BC.[26]. Founded as a nonprofit scientific organization, the club was patterned after the prestigious Boone and Crockett Club and advocated responsible bowhunting by promoting quality, fair chase hunting, and sound conservation practices. He even killed two Greek heroes: Menethius and Achilles. Domestication of horses and mounted horseback archery are also believed to have originated in the Eurasian steppes. For example, Cretan Archers are tops in their missile damage but weakest as melee infantry. Increases both Archer health and march speed by 30%. Arrows were destructive against massed formations, and the use of archers often proved decisive. The Ashvayanas living on river Guraeus (modern river Panjkora), which are the Gauri of. 2004. 43. A must for your Iron Age army. We are told that 6,000 English archers launched 42,000 arrows per minute at the Battle of Crecy in 1346. [72] The societies were also elitist, and the new middle class bourgeoisie were excluded from the clubs due to their lack of social status. Translation of "Kitāb fī bayān fadl al-qaws w-al-sahm wa-awsāfihima," no. [54], A treatise on Arab archery by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya, Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr (1292AD-1350AD) comes from the 14th century.,, "Inter-group violence among early Holocene hunter-gatherers of West Turkana, Kenya", "digital photograph (colour) | British Museum". But I'd … 1972. Why Kusunoki Masashige is the Best Commander? Legolas was the most renowned archer throughout the Third Age. A treatise on Saracen archery was written in 1368. Archery was an important skill for the Vikings, both for hunting and for war. It was said that it was nearly impossible to defeat a Thessalian unit in formation due to their rhomboid arrangement, rather than the usually deployed wedge one, and their loyalty to Alexander. HISTORY: Of course Robin Hood’s a top archer, that’s a given, but Robin of Sherwood is the only incarnation which really has the magic to grab SFX’s attention.

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