bis 101 final exam

BIS101-001 Spring 2014 Main Topics Cover in Power Points 1 to 14 Midterm 1 Topics Cover Cell wall (strength), Plasmodesmata (connects cells), Central Vacuole (storage & waste breakdown) and Chloroplasts (photosynthesis), Consist of microfibrills of polysaccharide cellulose in a matrix of other polysaccharides & protein, Third membrane system of sacs in stroma that are stacked in grana, Green pigment that absorbs violet-blue & red light (reflects green) that is found in the thylakoid membrane, Describe photosynthesis as a REDOX process. You place both plants by the window and measure their height daily. We weren't able to detect the audio language on your flashcards. Then click 'Next Question' to answer the next question. 50 questions about vocabulary, concepts and language use covered in the course. There are two distinct processes of photosynthesis: the light dependent reactions, and the light independent reactions (also known as the Calvin Cycle: What is the name of the type of protein that plays an important role in many chemical reactions in the human body? PEP carboylase fixes CO2 as oxaloacetate in outer mesophyll cells. Vein --> L. Atrium --> L. Ventricle --> Aorta --> top/bottom body --> Inferior/Superior Vena Cava --> R. Atrium --> R. Ventricle --> Lungs, Very thick smooth muscle layer to deal with high blood pressure of blood coming from heart, Thin layer of smooth muscle, carries blood to the heart. Contact us by phone at (877) 266-4919, or by mail at 100 View Street #202, Mountain View, CA 94041. What is an alternate mode of Carbon Fixation for a CAM plant? BIS 101 Flashcard Maker: Patricia Kate Balatbat. Dec. 2012. You compare heights after two weeks. Please sign in to share these flashcards. NADH also occurs. Chains of cells called seive tube elements that contain seive plates, Connected to seive tube in Phloem by plasmodesmata & provides metabolic support for both itself and seive tube, Increases diameter of roots/shoots (secondary growth), Protects apical meristem & secretes polysaccharide slime, List the 3 zones of cells behind a growing tip of a plant, 1) Cell divison: Mitotic cells revealed by staining for cyclin, Increase surface area for absorption of water/minerals, (at tip) shoot elongation occurs due to lengthening of internode cells below tip, What do monocots have that allow leaves to regrow, Some monocots have meristems at the base of stems and leaves (i.e. Created. Then click 'Next Question' to answer the next question. In what type of plants does Photorespiration occur? Brainscape uses an adaptive learning algorithm that we call Confidence-Based Repetition. You want to know if fish exposed to water contamination grow more slowly. You compare the results of the survey. Active transport of H+ outside of cell creates H+ gradient, Helps regulate water movement (and thereby opening/closing) in guard cells of stomata, The movement of sugar from sources to sinks by phloem, Active transport involving a H+ pump & co-transporter pump sucrose into phloem (Chemiosmosis), Identifies 17 essential elements needed by all plants, Soil bacteria living on decaying material from dead plants, A soil layer that forms a microbe-enriched ecosystem bound to plant roots or inside plants, Live in soil and root nodules + produces NH3 (ammonia), Mutualistic association of fungi and roots. (only ATP is produced), In what organisms does Cyclic Electron Flow occur, Photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobacteria & eukaryotic photosynthetic species, Carbon Fixation + synthesis of sugar in the Stroma, List and describe the three phases of the Calvin Cycle, 1) Carbon Fixation: 1 C from CO2 is attached to a 5C sugar (RuBP) <-- unstable, Rubisco - Catalyzes the addition of 1 C to a 5 C sugar, Occurs when CO2 is scarce, CO2 is replaced with O2 in the reaction adding 1 C to RuBP in Calvin Cycle, ATP is required and no sugar is produced + Carbon is removed from the Calvin Cycle. bis 219 complete class. He drops the lowest, including the final, so if you do well on the first 4, you can skip the final if you want. A&P Final Exam Review Study Guide 1. Please select the correct language below. Final Exam Part 2: Chapters 15 – 18 and 20 – 21 (100 points. Use cell references in your formulas, and write them so that they may be copied to Cells I8 through I11 and J8 through J11. You have created 2 folders. Cards Return to Set Details. A diagram that can represent evolutionary time and the amount of change between organisms. Keeps you off the street You get ONE credit The TAs are hot Seven sections provide good choice of times The second phase is reduction. You then expose a group of ten angel fish to contaminated water and record their weight for three weeks and compare the results. Final Exam Part 2: Chapters 15 – 18 and 20 – 21 (100 points) BIS - Biological Sciences free online testbank with past exams and old test at UC Davis (UCD) What happens after an electron reaches the Primary e- acceptor in PS I? Stomatal density (95% of water loss) and the opening and closing of stomata. All of the following are types of chemical bonds, EXCEPT: How many types of atoms can you find in an element? All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. 22. Office hours: Our office hours are always held in the Biology Learning Center (aka the BLC in 1089 Sciences Laboratory Building). The first step of photosynthesis is to absorb light ener... Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; audio not yet available for this language, Harvests chemical energy by converting 1 glucose molecule to 2 pyruvate molecules, Pyruvate is oxidised to Acetyl CoA in mitochondria, Conversion of electrons by ETC for synthesis of ATP, Stage of Glycolysis where 2 ATP are "invested" to split glucose, Stage of Glycolysis where 4 ATP are formed by substrate level phosporylation, Process where fuel is broken down to form ATP through Glycolysis, Pyruvate Oxidation, The Citric Acid Cycle & Chemiosmosis, 1) Carboxyl group is removed from Pyruvate as CO2. Multiphyletic. Choose your answer to the question and click 'Continue' to see how you did. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Premium members get access to this practice exam along with our entire library of lessons taught by subject matter experts. A diagram that can represent the differences between two types of organisms. These are all definitions from the final exam review PowerPoint. Simplest design --> cell engulfs food and breaks in down in vacuoles, Hydrolysis of food in compartments that are continuous with environment, Suck nutrient rich fluid from a living host. Introducing Cram Folders! This is used to power ATP synthase, 4 sub unit "molecular mill" that uses the H+ gradient created by the ETC to power the synthesis of ATP molecules, ATP production without oxygen -- Uses final e- acceptor other than O2, Pyruvate is converted to alcohol via the reduction of acetylaldehyde by NADH which regenerates NAD+, Pyruvate reduced by NADH to lactate when O2 is scarce, Conversion of light energy to the chemical energy of food. When you have completed the free practice test, click 'View Results' to see your results. Introduction (3 questions) - Anatomy – The study of structure - Physiology – The study of the function of body parts - Metabolism – All of the chemical reactions in the body - Homeostasis – The tendency of the body to maintain a stable internal environment - Negative Feedback vs Positive Feedback BIS 101 - Genes & Gene Expression free online testbank with past exams and old test at UC Davis (UCD) BISC 101 Lab Exam Flashcards Decks in this Class (0): About Brainscape. Which of the following structures connects the pharynx to the stomach? 84 Cards – 1 Decks – 1 Learner Short, wide, thin walled tubes stacked end to end with perforation plates between adjacent cells. Study guide uploaded on Aug 28, 2012. Create your own flash cards! setting up investigations that are intended to prove or disprove a hypothesis. Exams may not exceed the scheduled length of two hours, 45 minutes. The photoexcited e- is passed to PS II by the ETC, passing through the cytochrome complex, which contribes to generating a H+ gradient for ATP synthesis, 1) Light energy is transferred to PS II from the ETC, A "short circuit" where e- flows back from Fd ETC to cytochrome ETC and then back to the P700 pair. ATP and NADPH are used for energy, becoming ATP and a phosphate group and NADP+, and a sugar called G3P is made. CIS 534 Assignment 1 Defense in Depth . Energy from light is passed down from pigment molecule to pigment molecule to a primary electron acceptor. The reduction of NAD+ to bis 219 entire course. stuff only on the final. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. Calvin Cycle is the second phase of photosynthesis in which the fixation of atmospheric carbo... (1) ... ece 101 week 2 parent and family involvement. 2/2020/Estt ; … skin), Specific receptors dectect a small number of highly conserved molecules present in many different pathogens, Binding of these receptors to a specific molecule initiates a signalling cascade + innate immune response, The resetting of set point to higher temp, Develop in bone marrow & mature in thymus gland, Antibodies (B-Cells) mark pathogens for destruction in blood/lymph, Cytotoxic (T-Cells) destroy infected host using toxic gene products, The balancing of uptake and loss of water & solutes, The removal of excess solutes, nitrogenous metabolites and other wastes, Organisms which allows its osmolarity to change with the osmolarity of the environment, Organism which regulates its osmolarity regardless of the osmolarity of the enivironment, Describe osmoregulatory problems in Marine Fish, Describe the solution to osmoregulatory problems in Marine Fish, Chloride cells remove Cl- ions and Na+ follow passively, Describe osmoregulatory problems in Freshwater Fish, Describe the solution to osmoregulatory problems in Freshwater Fish, Chloride cells actively transport Cl- and Na+ follows passively, {"cdnAssetsUrl":"","site_dot_caption":"","premium_user":false,"premium_set":false,"payreferer":"clone_set","payreferer_set_title":"BISC 101 Final Exam Prep","payreferer_url":"\/flashcards\/copy\/bisc-101-final-exam-prep-2380507","isGuest":true,"ga_id":"UA-272909-1","facebook":{"clientId":"363499237066029","version":"v2.9","language":"en_US"}}. Classi cation (a) Many PDEs encountered by chemical engineers are second order (containing at most second derivatives) or can be decomposed into a system of second order PDEs. Due Week 5 and worth 80 points . None of the answers represent a controlled experiment. ece 201 complete course assignments. Black fur in mince (B) is dominated to brown fur (b). If the DNA sequence is 3' GCCTCC 5', what is the sequence of the primer that begins replication?

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