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Smithgall bought cable TV franchises serving the Chattanooga area, parts of DeKalb County and Walker County in the 1970s and '80s. D Surnames His cow "Daisy," whom he milked every morning (via sound effects), was familiar to all his listeners. During the day a host ofsorrowing friends visited the last residence of the afflicted  family to pay their last tribute of respect to the departed. She had lived to a ripe old age and when through the infirmities incident to increasing years the final summons came it found her ready and she passed peacefully away. He in partnership with George W. Quinn, built the plant just east of the city. A wife, five sons and one daughter survive him. Koepsell Funeral & Cremation Services, Mayville. Mr. Crandall is survived by nieces, Mrs. Warren (Janie) Erb and Jacqueline Crandall Kurtz of Williamsport; nephews, James Crandall Jr. of Williamsport and Bob Musko of Hackettstown, N.J., and numerous great-nieces and great-nephews. To have an Obituary listed, please contact Rodger Crandall. Williamsport, PA (publisher/date unknown, probably July 1909)Deaths and Funerals. In the summer of 1850 he came to the West Branch Valley and finally embarked in the lumber business in Williamsport. In 1877 he became actively engaged with that company and had since been its active manager. The Times began operation in 1947 as the Gainesville Daily Times. Seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren also survive. Interment at Wildwood. Sometimes our well-intended advice backfires—especially when it wasn’t requested. Burial was at New Oregon Cemetery. He was later employed by Cromar Co. where he was retired. His lonely widow mourns a kind devoted husband, the daughter a loving father. E Surnames Interment will be made in Wildwood cemetery. 1832. The Arts Council Depot was renamed the Smithgall Arts Center. When he returned to this city Mr. Zahn went to work at the drug store conducted by James E, Drorbaugh at the corner of Willow and Pine Streets, as a registered pharmacist, and later became associated with Mr. Walton. If I Start Crying Will I Be Able To Stop? S.E., Atlanta, GA 30315, for the Charles Bailey Endowment Fund for Elizabeth Smithgall Watts Student Research Scholarship; or to The Arts Council, P.O. A. Barry, or Renovo. About three years later he bought the business and conducted it until 1865, when he sold his stock and engaged in the furniture trade in Titusville. Gazette & Bulletin, July 12, 1901, Page 5 - The funeral of Thomas W. Smith, the seven years old son of Mrs. Smithgall later started the Poultry Times and Southeastern Poultry Times, which were published in the Times' plant. A few years later he retired from the business and had lived in the city ever since. USGenNet Safe-Site™ Since July 12, 2005, searchable Williamsport Grit from 1892 to 1990. His interests included his family, aviation, pool, meteorology, trains and his cats. For about 35 years Mr. Peter Tinsman, one of the oldest pioneer lumberman of the West Branch Valley, died about 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at his home, 1020 Washington Street, at the age of 86 years. (email contact for this family). Receive email notification about people of national interest. At the close of the war he returned to Williamsport sometime in 1863 and accepted a position as chief telegraph operator under George Webb, who was then superintendent of the Catawissa railroad. His parents were natives of England and came to the United States in 1830, first settled in Baltimore, Md., and soon afterwards moved by wagon to Bradford, county. He also was a member of the Ross club. The Super Pit, Denton, Texas; Friday, 8 p.m. EST BOTTOM LINE: Two guards will be on display as Tavin Lovan and UAB will battle Javion Hamlet … (email contact for this family). He first worked here for the Standard Drug Company and while in their employ opened a drug store at Ralston. He is predeceased by his brother Barry. Mr. Tinsman was born in Williamsport, the son of Robert andJosephine Biehler Tinsman. In 1981, Gannett Co. Inc., purchased The Times and the poultry publications. He also delivered special delivery mail for the Post Office, at the time Dr. Logan was Williamsport's postmaster.

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