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She was the first woman elected president of the White House Correspondents Association and the first female to join the Gridiron Club, a fraternity for inside-the-Beltway journalists. Helen Amelia Thomas was born August 4, 1920, in Winchester, Kentucky, one of nine children of immigrants from present-day Lebanon. WASHINGTON (AP) — Helen Thomas, the irrepressible White House correspondent who used her seat in the front row of history to grill 10 presidents and was not shy about sharing her opinions, died Saturday. However, in telling her story, the media continues to ignore and/or falsified her entire story. She was at Georgetown Hospital in 1960 when John F. Kennedy Jr. was born, 17 days after his father won the presidency. One rejected the request. “Your decision to invade Iraq has caused the deaths of thousands of Americans and Iraqis, wounds of Americans and Iraqis for a lifetime,” she told the president. In February 2009, Obama became the 10th president to call on Thomas at a news conference. In a speech that drew a standing ovation, Thomas claimed those Jews own Congress, Hollywood, and Wall Street: the whole question of money involved in politics.”

”We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Helen Thomas. Helen Thomas has been a journalist for more than forty years. Age: 0 - 0. “Go back to Germany or Poland,” she said, which was probably one of the more pleasant things Thomas publicly said about Jews during the last three years of her life. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Even when Rep Ilhan Omar made her series of anti-Semitic statements, accusing American Jews of dual loyalty or that wealthy Jews control foreign policy through AIPAC, the media described her statement as “what some say is anti-Semitic.” The dual loyalty canard has been resulting in dead Jews since biblical times. Thomas said she got notes from friends saying she had encouraged them by finding a spouse at 51. Page Extent: 304. “I paid the price for that,” said Thomas, a longtime White House correspondent. She was pushed out anyway. The Gridiron Club, of which Thomas was a member, said she died yesterday at her apartment in Washington, where she lived for more than six decades. At first, Thomas, Lewine and other female White House reporters were relegated mainly to covering first ladies and activities outside the Oval Office. If making false and slanderous statements regarding Israel was a crime that leads to termination, the NY Times newsroom would be empty. Helen Thomas, American journalist, known especially for her coverage of U.S. presidents, who broke through a number of barriers to women reporters and won great respect in her field. Saying the Jews have no right to a homeland is anti-Semitic just ask Pope Francis. Format: Paperback - C format. Extending dementia care into Indigenous communities. Her gender proved a short-term benefit -- she was hired in part because so many men were being drafted -- but she became outraged at what she said was “the priority given to men in the news business.”. There’s total control. He brought cupcakes to the briefing room to mark her 89th birthday on Aug. 4, 2009. When  Helen Thomas died on July 20th, 2013, she was celebrated by the mainstream media as the trailblazer she was. She is the only reporter to have had her name engraved on a chair in the White House press briefing room. The tape displayed the veteran White House correspondent telling the Jews to go face another Holocaust. Smith, Anthony, Haydon, Helen, Thomas, Emma, Snoswell, Centaine and Caffery, Liam (2021). ISBN: 9781741754568. The story of Ms. Thomas’ Antisemitism, is a case study about how the mainstream media protected their own–and still protects her ten years later. Helen Thomas, caught in a controversy over her statements about Israel and Palestine, has resigned from Hearst News Service. Despite an offer of anonymity, only two of the many reporters contacted replied. Interview Helen Thomas by Jeffrey Dunetz on Scribd. Two days later, I followed up with a post urging that Ms.Thomas keep her job, explaining that Helen Thomas was merely a symptom of the problem, not the disease—media acceptance of Antisemitism. Helen works mainly with drawing and painting in response to themes of plants and place. Her work ethic was legendary. She was 92. She is the manager of ABC News Radio and author of five books, including Moods: The Peter Moody Saga (2016). News Corp Australia Network July 21, 2013 6:26am A Journalist’s job is telling the truth. Born in Winchester, Kentucky, she was one of nine children of Lebanese immigrants. Parler Facebook Twitter Flipboard. “Guys didn’t want to cover the social events,” Lewine recalled. But, the fact is she said unacceptable things that would have gotten anyone on the right fired. In 1971, Thomas married Douglas Cornell, who had been her friendly rival for years as the White House correspondent for the Associated Press. My question is, why did you really want to go to war?”, As Bush countered that the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, had recast the threat posed by “safe havens” such as Iraq, Thomas interrupted: “They didn’t do anything to you or to our country.”. White House reporters “were remiss, but we operated under many more wraps,” Thomas wrote. Helen Thomas - Artist. Proving that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, on December 2nd, almost six months to the day when the original video went viral, Helen Thomas spoke at an anti-Arab bias workshop in Dearborn Michigan spewing more Antisemitism. Her father was a grocer, and he moved the family to Detroit in 1924. After Sept. 11, reporters “were afraid to challenge the government, were afraid to be seen as un-American, unpatriotic, and as a consequence, they really let the country down,” she said in an August 2007 interview on CNN. Journalist Helen Thomas, who said Jews ‘should get the hell out of Palestine,’ dies at 92 Veteran White House correspondent covered 10 presidents and was known for … Within a few days of the original post, David was being slandered by Mediaite, Juan Cole was accusing me of selectively editing the video (and other affronts to Ms. Thomas), and the hate email piled and nasty comments piled up in my computer. To help the posts gain some traction, I sent out tweets and emails to most of the giant website sites. After her stint at the anti-Arab bias conference, Thomas kept spewing hatred. At 12/2/10 at the conference, Thomas was asked about her statements on that video that destroyed her career. Her death was announced on Saturday by the Gridiron Club. Twitter; Print; Continue to article content. Delighted that this painting had a little virtual outing last night at the close of Sophie Leguil’s (see @MoreThanWeeds on Instagram and Twitter) brilliant presentation for BALTIC Centre For Contemporary Art wonderful ‘The Habits Of Weeds’ seminar. Her long career abruptly ended under a cloud of controversy in 2010 after Thomas, who was of Lebanese descent, said Jews should leave Palestinian territories. How they Ignored the Jew-hatred coming from the Democratic party? She quit in 2000 when Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church bought the news service. The media continues to cover up her actual hatred just as they try to downplay Democratic Party anti-Semitism today. At UPI, Thomas fought for access and openness and chronicled day-to-day White House news with the terse language of the wire-service reporter. “Mr. But they didn’t matter to him because that friend considered her a mentor and was angry that I had the nerve, to tell the truth about Thomas. Same thing with the financial markets. Photograph: Alex Wong/Getty Images. Tributes have started rolling in for Helen Thomas, one of the first women to break into Washington's notoriously (to this day) male-dominated press corps. Completing this poll grants you access to The Lid updates free of charge. Lewine died in January 2008. My “association” with Helen Thomas began Friday, June 4th, 2010, when a friend Rabbi David Nesenoff sent me a video that contained a short explosive interview he had conducted with Helen Thomas at the White House on Jewish Heritage Day. But the mainstream media continues to whitewash Ms. Thomas’ statement as about the “Israel- Palestinian conflict.” That is a lie. In 1974, she stood in the Oval Office as President Gerald Ford announced on national television that he was pardoning Nixon for any crimes committed during the Watergate scandal. In March 2011, Biden administration kills rule limiting aliens who would likely need welfare, Bill Maher Warns That America Will Lose To China Because ‘We Are A Silly People’ (VIDEO), Facing the Facts About Facebook – Tracking Your Every Move Online, Anti-God, Anti-Conservative, Anti-Free Speech. When asked by the interviewer if she had a personal antipathy toward Jews themselves, Thomas labeled the Jews as Arab-haters. Telling the Jews to go back to the countries of the Holocaust upped the Jew-hatred ante. Thomas, whose parents were Lebanese, also drew notice for her critical views of Israel. He explained he’d already offered it to the mainstream media, Newsday, and even to The Jewish Week, a weekly progressive newspaper for the Jewish community. Thomas was born to Lebanese immigrants, the seventh of nine children. On Twitter, Palin wrote, “Helen Thomas press pals condone racist rant? Imprint: Allen & Unwin. And submitted it to Drudge. A friend who covered the WH at the time told me off the record that he wasn’t surprised by her comments. Do you actually think there’s a secret Jewish conspiracy at work in this country? One Sunday afternoon, Thomas was alone in the White House press room when Nixon popped in for a look at the empty bottles, wadded paper and other trash of a press room and told her, “This is a disgrace.”. Thomas was 92 years old. Once guaranteed a question at presidential news conferences, she was rarely called on by Bush. Australian Journal of Dementia Care, 10 (1), 19-23. But, invoking Germany and Poland was eerie. In 2005, Thomas spent months researching the Easey Street murders for Radio National’s Background Briefing, shedding new light on the investigation. “But we made hard news at those social events, and then everybody wanted to cover them.”. About the author Helen Thomas has been a journalist for more than forty years. WLF ON TWITTER. In 2005, Thomas spent months researching the Easey Street murders for Radio National’s Background Briefing, shedding new light on the investigation. It’s very open. Some have stood the test better than others.”. The first was the importance of making sure what a post is accurate because it can ruin someone’s career (what I posted was correct, and it ruined Ms. Thomas’ career). Thomas covered the Justice Department and other federal agencies before joining UPI’s White House team on Jan. 20, 1961, Kennedy’s first day as president. I once even interviewed her very briefly. “Often he spoke in a whisper to bedevil us for questioning him,” Thomas recalled. follow. She moved to UPI -- then called United Press -- to write radio news copy. She also manages a couple of young racehorses and ABC NewsRadio. She sat at the head table at Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev’s “We will bury you” speech at the National Press Club in 1959, having joined other women in a successful battle for one-day access to what was then a male bastion. Smith, Anthony, Haydon, Helen, Thomas, Emma, Snoswell, Centaine and Caffery, Liam (2021). Thomas took her profession to task in a 2006 book. Or the Woman’s March? They refused to say she was anti-Semitic, but merely anti-Israel—a dangerous affront to the truth. Palestinians were there long before any European Zionists.”. Photo – Andy Baker. In the years afterward, Thomas, unencumbered by a “front line” media job, made new anti-Semitic comments, but her colleagues in the media were still protecting her. The media is still spinning the truth about Helen Thomas. She joined Hearst as a syndicated columnist. Her long career put Thomas on the scene as history was written. Helen Thomas was a trailblazer. No question in my opinion. By PATRICK GAVIN. David asked me if there was anything I could do with the video. The stars of that story, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of The Washington Post, weren’t part of the White House press corps. “She’s always the first one in the White House and the last one to leave,” Frances Lewine, who covered six presidents for the Associated Press, said in a September 2007 interview. Pub Date: November 2008. The first was the importance of making sure what a post is accurate because it can ruin someone’s career (what I posted was correct, and it ruined Ms. Thomas’ career). “What made Helen the ‘Dean of the White House Press Corps’ was not just the length of her tenure, but her fierce belief that our democracy works best when we ask tough questions and hold our leaders to account,” President Obama said in an e-mailed statement. Journal Article: Lack of strategic funding and long-term job security threaten to have profound effects on cardiovascular researcher retention in Australia Thomas now pens commentary for the smaller audience of the Falls Church News-Press. She quit UPI in 2000 and soon joined the Hearst newspapers. There’s no question about that. Helen Thomas, whose career covering the White House dated back to the Kennedy administration, died on Saturday at the age of 92, the Gridiron Club announced in an email to members on Saturday. She was 92. President, thank you,” Thomas said, uttering what are usually the final words at such an event. Buy a […] Because obviously, those remarks do not reflect certainly the opinion of most of the people here and certainly not of the administration.” Whether or not the remarks reflected the opinion of the Obama administration is a story for another day. Have you noticed that the MSM ignored Barack Obama’s Antisemitism? They claimed her career was ruined by an anti-Israel comment. But the other wrote: “Generally, it is sad when someone legendary for longevity exited journalism in such a way. The video below is her full 12-2 speech in Dearborn. Helen Thomas’ statements beginning on June 4th, 2010, through her death in 2013 weren’t anti-Israel, they were anti-Semitic. But, before this video, I assumed that might fit in with her view the U.S. shouldn’t be involved in Afghanistan or Iraq. (See Exodus 1:7-10)  The Jews controlling government policy is almost as old. Two hours later, before leaving on a five-hour car ride to my brother’s house for the weekend, the video was posted on the all the Breitbart “Big” sites and as a banner Drudge headline. Her career was ruined because she was a vicious anti-Semite. When it comes to the White House press corps, she broke the “glass ceiling,’ she mentored new reporters, and always pressed Presidents and their Press Secretaries for honest answers to difficult questions. Cuomo should give book profits to grieving families. Alluding to the anti-Semitic canard that Jews control the media, Thomas said: “You can not say anything (critical) about Israel in this country. While the mainstream media whitewashed Ms.Thomas’ “go back to Germany” statement as about the “Israel- Palestinian conflict.” That’s a lie. This time, Kennedy added, “Thank you, Helen.”. With acuity and unmistakable gumption, Helen Thomas has covered the White House since John F. Kennedy, a tour de force in the world of political reporting. Lid took down Helen Thomas. Thomas, as UPI’s correspondent at a 1963 Kennedy press conference, was responsible for deciding when to end the event. 416 likes. Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. “Perhaps I have always expected too much of them, but I believe that when they reach the highest office in the land, they should live up to the greatest honor that can come to a person in American political life. She was also the first woman to cover the presidency, the correspondents group said. THOMAS: Power over the White House, power over Congress. Thomas recalled her mother, Mary, as “strong-willed” with “a burning sense of justice.”. The reaction was mixed. Helen has experience in domestic violence shelter settings and transitional housing programs. THOMAS: Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood.

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