hive drop external table without deleting data

You use an external table, which is a table that Hive does not manage, to import data from a file on a file system, into Hive. But drop table from Impala deletes the table metadata without deleting the files. 12:42 AM. The EXTERNAL keyword lets you create a table and provide a LOCATION so that Hive does not use a default location for this table. By default, when you drop an internal (managed) table, the data files are moved to the HDFS trashcan. By default the DBCREATE_TABLE_EXTERNAL is NO, which means SAS will create a managed table i.e. 2. As mentioned earlier only the metadata is removed, the data is not removed. Hive fundamentally knows two different types of tables: Managed (Internal) External; Introduction. drop table table_name hive – drop External table. This is the behavior in Hive. Hive fundamentally knows two different types of tables: Managed (Internal) External; Introduction. This is one of easy and fastest way to update Hive tables. An external table can be created when data is not present in any existing table (i.e., using the SELECT clause). This is not an external table, but rather a managed table. Deleting the table should drop both metadata and deletes the hdfs data. Using EXTERNAL option you can create an external table, Hive doesn’t manage the external table, when you drop an external table, only table metadata from Metastore will be removed but the underlying files will not be removed and still they can be accessed via HDFS commands, Pig, Spark or any other Hadoop compatible tools. If you want the DROP TABLE command to also remove the actual data in the external table, as DROP TABLE does on a managed table, you need to configure the table properties accordingly. In this article. In Hive terminology, external tables are tables not managed with Hive. Typically Hive Load command just moves the data from LOCAL or HDFS location to Hive data warehouse location or any custom location without applying any transformations. Like Hive, when dropping an EXTERNAL table, Spark only drops the metadata but keeps the data files intact. When dropping an EXTERNAL table, data in the table is NOT deleted from the file system. External tables are defined as tables that do not reside in the database, and can be in any format for which an access driver is provided. Truncate also removes all the values inside table. It means dropping respective tables before dropping the database. If the database is empty, then only we can drop the database. create partition on hive external table. Therefore, for S3 tables, prefer to use DROP TABLE table_name PURGE rather than the default DROP TABLE statement. In the Table type drop-down list, select External table. Data is in HDFS; We have a hive table created over that HDFS file, and we load that HDFS file’s data into the hive table. ALTER TABLE table_name DROP [IF EXISTS] PARTITION partition_spec; Find answers, ask questions, and share your expertise. This chapter describes how to drop a table in Hive. Now we learn few things about these two 1. I found that, when you use EXTERNAL TABLE and LOCATION together, Hive creates table and initially no data will present (assuming your data location is different from the Hive 'LOCATION'). Syntax: By default, SAS data step option DBCREATE_EXTERNAL is set to NO which means SAS data step using hive libraries like below creates a “managed table”. Examples A. That means that the data, its properties and data layout will and can only be changed via Hive command. hive – if exists When you run DROP TABLE on an external table, by default Hive drops only the metadata (schema). Hive metastore stores only the schema metadata of the external table. 09:26 PM. For external tables, Hive assumes that it does not manage the data. 2)Create table and overwrite with required partitioned data hive> CREATE TABLE `emptable_tmp`( 'rowid` string,PARTITIONED BY (`od` string) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat'; hive> insert into emptable_tmp partition(od) … So I expect: "drop table mytable" to delete both the table metadata and its contents. I have an external table which is created with partitions and i would like to delete/drop few partition along with data as i no longer require it. Hive has a Internal and External tables. Hopsworks uses a fork of Apache Hive that enables users to keep the metadata storage consistent with the filesystem when a they delete their data, as the metadata describing databases, tables and partitions are deleted as well.. Dropping an external table from the current database. When you use 'LOAD DATA INPATH' command, the data get MOVED (instead of copy) from data location to location that you specified while creating Hive table. ALTER TABLE table_name DROP [IF EXISTS] PARTITION partition_spec; hdfs dfs -rm -r I hope this gives some insights here. On deleting the Hive internal table, the table data and the metadata both get deleted and on deleting the Hive External table, only the table metadata will delete. This is one of easy and fastest way to update Hive tables. Appreciate any suggestions. This can be achieved as below. Table Creation by default It is Managed table . For a managed table, the underlying Kudu table and its data are removed by DROP TABLE. In this article, I will explain how to load data files into a table using several examples. There might be requirements when we want to load data from those external tables into hive tables. If it does not delete the data you will need to delete the directory of the partition (in HDFS) after deleting it using the Hive query. That doesn’t mean much more than when you drop the table, both the schema/definition AND the data are dropped. dfs -rmr /user/hive/warehouse/database_name.db/table_name;*** 2) You have to change the external to internal table before drop it:examplebeeline ALTER TABLE $tablename SET TBLPROPERTIES('EXTERNAL'='False'); // make the table as internaland then: drop table $tablename; // Drop Database Statement. There are two types of tables in Hive ,one is Managed table and second is external table. It is far more convenient to retain the data at original location via "EXTERNAL" tables. Hive deals with two types of table structures like Internal and External tables depending on the loading and design of schema in Hive. Created on 1. Table Creation by default It is Managed table . Use the LOAD DATA command to load the data files like CSV into Hive Managed or External table. drop external table table_name. ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION (=''); When you will drop/delete the table form the hive database, the table entry will delete it from hive metastore. Write a script which can execute below statement for all the tables that are in warehouse directory. All files inside the directory will be treated as table data. Note: if you had created a TABLE with EXTERNAL keyword then you can NOT remove all the rows because all data resides outside of Hive Meta store. If it is an internal table then the table and data will complete delete. When dropping a MANAGED table, Spark removes both metadata and data files. If it is an internal table then the table and data will complete delete. Delete can be performed on the table that supports ACID. If it does not delete the data you will need to delete the directory of the partition (in HDFS) after deleting it using the Hive query. Again, when you drop an internal table, Hive will delete both the schema/table definition, and it will also physically delete the data/rows(truncation) associated with that table from the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). There are two ways to drop the database having the tables in it. The syntax to drop external table is as follow: drop external table table_name. Drop Database is a statement that drops all the tables and deletes the database. Alter external table as internal table -- by changing the TBL properties as external =false. Let us assume that the database name is userdb. This page serves as a guide on how to use Hive from within Hopsworks. This chapter describes how to drop a table in Hive. hive> DROP SCHEMA userdb; This clause was added in Hive 0.6. External table in Hive stores only the metadata about the table in the Hive metastore. Data is in HDFS; We have a hive table created over that HDFS file, and we load that HDFS file’s data into the hive table. Once mapped, we execute our queries on them, prepare report and once done, we un-map them from hive using drop table statement. Which means when you drop an external table, hive will remove metadata about external table but will leave table data as it was. Its syntax is as follows: DROP DATABASE StatementDROP (DATABASE|SCHEMA) [IF EXISTS] database_name [RESTRICT|CASCADE]; The following queries are used to drop a database. It should look like this : This document lists some of the differences between the two but the fundamental difference is that Hive assumes that it owns the data for managed tables. For an external table, If you are trying to drop a partition and as-well would like to delete the data. 09:18 AM Created External Table: Hive assumes that it owns the data for managed tables. the difference is , when you drop a table, if it is managed table hive deletes both data and meta data, if it is external table Hive only deletes metadata. Below are some of DELETE FROM table Equivalents: Hive NOT IN to exclude records to be deleted; Hive NOT EXISTS to exclude records to be … External table files can be accessed and managed by processes outside of Hive. If a managed table or partition is dropped, the data and metadata associated with that table or partition are deleted. Start Hive. The syntax is as follows: DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] table_name; When you run DROP TABLE on an external table, by default Hive drops only the metadata (schema). In contrast to the Hive managed table, an external table keeps its data outside the Hive metastore. This biggest difference about managed tables is that it will delete all the data if you drop the table. If we want to remove particular row from Hive meta store Table we use DELETE but if we want to delete all the rows from HIVE table we can use TRUNCATE. The main difference between an internal table and an external table is simply this: An internal table is also called a managed table, meaning it’s “managed” by Hive. After reading this article, you should have learned how to create a table in Hive and load data into it. Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions ‎01-27-2017 We cannot drop the exiting database with subject to the database is empty. This is the behavior in Hive. This acts as a security feature in the Hive. Did you try to drop the partition using Hive query ? If it is an external table then the table entry will delete it from metastore but the data is available on HDFS Level. When you drop a table from Hive Metastore, it removes the table/column data and their metadata. One of the advantages of using an external table is that we can drop the table without deleting the data. There is also a method of creating an external table in Hive. In the Table name field, enter a name for the external table. There are two types of tables in Hive ,one is Managed table and second is external table. Basically, for the hive drop table to have the data, the data file is a prerequisite. So I expect: "drop table mytable" to delete both the table metadata and its contents. An external table describes the metadata / schema on external files. This comes in handy if you already have data generated. Introduction¶. How to delete/drop a partition of an external tabl... [ANNOUNCE] New Cloudera ODBC 2.6.12 Driver for Apache Impala Released, [ANNOUNCE] New Cloudera JDBC 2.6.20 Driver for Apache Impala Released, Transition to private repositories for CDH, HDP and HDF, [ANNOUNCE] New Applied ML Research from Cloudera Fast Forward: Few-Shot Text Classification, [ANNOUNCE] New JDBC 2.6.13 Driver for Apache Hive Released. This document lists some of the differences between the two but the fundamental difference is that Hive assumes that it owns the data for managed tables. It can be a normal table (stored in Metastore) or an external table (stored in local file system); Hive treats both in … the difference is , when you drop a table, if it is managed table hive deletes both data and meta data, if it is external table Hive only deletes metadata. Then we can drop the current hive database. Hive does not manage, or restrict access, to the actual external data. You may also not want to delete the raw data as some one else might use it in map-reduce programs external to hive analysis. Now we learn few things about these two 1. Managing External Tables. The syntax to drop external table is as follow: drop external table table_name. But drop table from Impala deletes the table metadata without deleting the files. Then we can use the “CASCADE” keyword in the drop query. How to delete/drop a partition of an external table along with data, Re: How to delete/drop a partition of an external table along with data. For external tables, Hive assumes that it does not manage the data. On the Create table page, in the Destination section, do the following: Select the project name and the dataset name. As for Data - Hive accesses data files that can be either in the cluster itself, or in blob storage (possibly data lake as well). Apache Hive Create External Tables and Examples; Apache Hive Temporary Tables and Examples; Hive DELETE FROM Table Equivalents – Easy Steps; In this article, we will check first approach i.e. Hive provides external tables for that purpose. They are mostly used by mapping them into hive. Their purpose is to facilitate importing of data from an external … You use an external table, which is a table that Hive does not manage, to import data from a file on a file system, into Hive. The external table must be created if we don’t want Hive to own the data or have other data controls. If you want to learn more about the difference between Hive Internal/Managed and External Tables then you can click here. This biggest difference about managed tables is that it will delete all the data if you drop the table. Related information: When you will drop/delete the table form the hive database, the table entry will delete it from hive metastore. Hive does not manage, or restrict access, to the actual external data. hive> drop table ; //now the table is internal if you drop the table data will be dropped automatically. Internal tables Internal Table is tightly coupled in nature.In this type of table, first we have to create table and load the data. On the Create table page, in the Schema section, enter the schema information. First Way: We need to drop all the tables that are present in the current database. When you drop a table from Hive Metastore, it removes the table/column data and their metadata. If you want the DROP TABLE command to also remove the actual data in the external table, as DROP TABLE does on a managed table, you need to configure the table properties accordingly. JDBC Program. An external table describes the metadata / schema on external files. By default, there is a restriction on the drop database command. Instead, you can follow other easy steps such as create hive temporary table and select records from the original table by excluding data that you want to delete from table. Use the LOAD DATA command to load the data files like CSV into Hive Managed or External table. Oracle Database allows you read-only access to data in external tables. Any directory on HDFS can be pointed to as the table data while creating the external table. Sounds easy! External tables in Hive do not store data for the table in the hive warehouse directory. But for External tables have a two-step process to alter table drop partition + removing file. hive> DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS userdb CASCADE; The following query drops the database using SCHEMA. drop external table table_name. If it is an external table then the table entry will delete it from metastore but the data is … This operation is expensive for tables that reside on the Amazon S3 object store. ‎01-12-2018 Kudu tables can be managed or external, the same as with HDFS-based tables. This is the reason why TRUNCATE will also not work for external tables. Dropping an External table drops just the table from Metastore and the actual data in HDFS will not be removed. If you create a Hive table without the EXTERNAL keyword, hive will completely manage that data. 09:19 AM, You can use PURGE option to delete data file as well along with partition mentadata but it works only in INTERNAL/MANAGED tables. When you drop the table, the raw data is lost as the directory corresponding to the table in warehouse is deleted. ‎01-12-2018 - edited In that case, hive doesn’t remove data but only removed metadata. A Hive External table has a definition or schema, the actual HDFS data files exists outside of hive databases. This is not an external table, but rather a managed table. You can create partition on Hive External table same as we did for Internal Tables. Drop Internal or External Table. Drop Table Statement. As mentioned earlier only the metadata is removed, the data is not removed. An e… You can find out the table type by the SparkSession API spark.catalog.getTable (added in Spark 2.1) or the DDL command DESC EXTENDED / DESC FORMATTED Read: Apache Hive Fixed-Width File Loading Options and Examples The following example removes the ProductVendor1 table, its data, indexes, and any dependent views from the current database. The external table also prevents any accidental loss of data, as on dropping an external table, the base data is not deleted. 1)You can easily delete the files from his location. The internal table data gets managed by the Hive. I have an external table which is created with partitions and i would like to delete/drop few partition along with data as i no longer require it. Created In contrast to the Hive managed table, an external table keeps its data outside the Hive metastore. External table files can be accessed and managed by processes outside of Hive. The only difference is when you drop a partition on internal table the data gets dropped as well, but when you drop a partition on external table the data remains as is. DROP EXTERNAL TABLE … Apache Hive Create External Tables and Examples; Apache Hive Temporary Tables and Examples; Hive DELETE FROM Table Equivalents – Easy Steps; In this article, we will check first approach i.e. But I think this is not the case (at least in my case), the default option is dropping the hive table … When you drop an Internal table, it drops the table from Metastore, metadata and it’s data files from the data warehouse HDFS location. Using basic syntax DROP EXTERNAL TABLE SalesPerson; DROP EXTERNAL TABLE dbo.SalesPerson; DROP EXTERNAL TABLE EasternDivision.dbo.SalesPerson; B. hive – drop External table. You can learn more about Hive External Table here. Hive metastore stores only the schema metadata of the external table. Hive is not responsible for managing data of the External table. Create a CSV file of data you want to query in Hive. Dropping external table in Hive does not drop the HDFS file that it is referring whereas dropping managed tables drop all its associated HDFS files. ALTER TABLE table_name DROP [IF EXISTS] PARTITION partition_spec PURGE; External Tables have a two step process to alterr table drop partition + removing file. How to update Hive Tables using temporary table. Hi, When we drop a managed table , Hive deletes the data in the table is my understanding. Second Way: If we want to drop the hive database without dropping the current database tables. If a managed table or partition is dropped, the data and metadata associated with that table or partition are deleted. The JDBC program to drop a database is given below. An EXTERNAL table points to any HDFS location for its storage, rather than being stored in a folder specified by the configuration property hive.metastore.warehouse.dir. Hive deals with two types of table structures like Internal and External tables depending on the loading and design of schema in Hive. The external table also prevents any accidental loss of data, as on dropping an external table, the base data is not deleted. STATUS ) setting table property external.table.purge=true, will also delete the data. Reply. For an external table, the underlying Kudu table and its data remain after a DROP TABLE. It can be a normal table (stored in Metastore) or an external table (stored in local file system); Hive treats both in the same manner, irrespective of their types. External Table: Hive assumes that it owns the data for managed tables. In the hive, we can drop or delete the database form from the hive system. When you work with hive external tables, always remember that hive assumes that it does not own data or data files hence behave accordingly. How to update Hive Tables using temporary table. That means that the data, its properties and data layout will and can only be changed via Hive command. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Internal tables Internal Table is tightly coupled in nature.In this type of table, first we have to create table and load the data. ‎01-24-2017 As for Data - Hive accesses data files that can be either in the cluster itself, or in blob storage (possibly data lake as well). Basically, for the hive drop table to have the data, the data file is a prerequisite. If you create a Hive table without the EXTERNAL keyword, hive will completely manage that data. Do alter table on all tables and change the external table to internal table then drop the table. cc @aakulov In this article, I will explain how to load data files into a table using several examples. It doesn't delete the external data.

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