how to delete all friends on facebook

If script not load, just reload/refresh tab. Becareful ! Delete your Facebook account; Unfriend All Facebook Friends; Unfriending all Facebook Friends: If you find something wrong with your account on Facebook, it is best to remove all Facebook friends from your account to avoid leakage of any personal data on the internet. Find the link to “Edit Friends” page and click on that. Then, click on ‘All Friends’ tab and you will see the list of your buddies. 3. Log in into your Facebook Account. Step 3: Restart Mozilla Firefox, and open your Facebook. Mouse hover or click the “Friends” button and a drop-down list will be displayed. If Yes, feel free to comment below. Removing all of your friends on Facebook has never been so easy. 4. Navigate to Log In or Sign Up and start Facebook social Toolkit. Step 4: Go to your Timeline Profile, click Friends or click here . Are you facing any problem in this tutorial? For example: Using Chrome, Google “Facebook Messenger mass delete extension” or something of that nature. After logging in to Facebook type “Edit Friends” in the search box. Click on the ‘Edit List’, and select the one you want to delete. How To Use Facebook Unfriend Tool 1. But, while having 1,000 Facebook friends may be "cool" to some, it's pretty unlikely that all of those people are really "friends." How to unfriend all friends on Facebook™? You can unfriend someone from their Facebook profile. To delete multiple or all of your Facebook message history, you will need to add an extension to your web browser. Click on the link. That person is no more your friend in Facebook; Remove Friends From Facebook – 2nd. So, friends, this is the method to unfriend all friends in one click on Facebook. The person you unfriended won't be notified. If you click button "Select All" , it will tick all . Follow the below steps to and remove all Facebook friend request using one click. 2. Whether it’s Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer you can begin by using Google to pull up the Web Store. Download and install Facebook Social Toolkit from Chrome web store. Facebook allows users to unfriend one friend at a time from the direct app. Way. It's the perfect tool for recluses. Step 5: Tick on checkbox near friend name to select for delete :) . You’ll find the option ‘Remove Friend’. You can easily clear or remove all friends from your Facebook id within minutes. Facebook makes it extremely easy to keep in touch with family and friends, while maintaining those relationships with little to no face-to-face contact. Step 2: Now download the extension here , … You just need one PC or Laptop and Facebook Social Toolkit extension for this trick. Just use our simple extension. You will be prompted with a pop-up box that would say, ‘Remove Friend’ and ‘Cancel’. Step 1: Open the Google Chrome Browser. Done. Click the “Unfriend” option. This extension will handle this dull task in just 2 clicks from any page of your browser: - First click will open the page with your friends. To Unfriend all Facebook friends in one Click, Just simply click on the All Friends Remover for a Facebook extension on chrome from the right corner. after that, you need to select Open friends list to remove all friends

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