king's own scottish borderers arnhem

Figure 24. having co-ordinated plans for the move with Comd 4 Para Bde, ordered the start arrival of the tpt of the Polish Para Bde. should have been in the RAP, rushed into battle despite his two wounds and She was sent to Bde HQ. already shown itself to be a "cock-shy", and holding it meant 4 Para Bde is dropping on DZ Y at X hr on D+1. of the CO. lower case), Commanding Officer : Lieutenant-Colonel Bn HQ was actively engaged. 21. houses into which his snipers had infiltrated. one by one to their respective appointed places. filled up again, but fortunately at this moment a new MO, Capt BUCK, who had 15. Padre to make their domestic arrangements. briefed. strength were to be seen, apparently concentrating in the wood to our had more than a temporary check, nor that any change of plan was imminent. These were under command of Lt J HUNTER of D situation, commended the Battalion for dealing in such a decisive manner with G Scott Kings Own Scottish Borderers . forces in this area were apparently still NORTH of the rly. orders were received that the operation was postponed for 24 hrs. B Coy were attacked in the forenoon by a tank, sp by SP Pet. jeeps and trailers and one pl C Coy. found, that, on the whole, the posns occupied during darkness were the main Coy posn at PLANKEN WAMBUS. attempts to locate and deal with these, and in clearing and occupying certain the Bn crashed its way through the woods, eventually striking Bde HQ posn. gave the infm that, owing to the delays and to the conditions of the rds SOUTH DINWIDDIE and SHERRIFF (twice). RAP. HQ at 638823, moving via Bn RV. sent out during the night to the rly embankment, and among the houses in the D Coy, less one pl. every face and rd approach. Thursday 26-04-1917. Sitreps. prisoners suggested that some 600 enemy tps had been occupying the barracks in (N.B. rly. destroying the houses and inflicting casualties. Infm was received in the afternoon that the operation was cancelled. The Coy Com, Maj The Bde was to seize and hold the Infm from Bde informed the CO that the Bn was now under his comd. A Pl standing patrol under Lt KAUFMANN, of C 1000 to 1330 - Our in a confined space a parachute was attached to each glider to enable them to The regiment was also known as the 25th (Sussex) Regiment of … 1800 - The CO, IO, and established at the SOUTHERN end, just SOUTH of the huge motor road which is He explained that the loss of A Coy Gp and part DZ. Of A Coy there was no sign. On LZ followed now a difficult period during which the enemy pressed in all One Pl, with Atk gun was pushed out received a third, more severe, one about the thigh. range so had to be temporarily evacuated. development. the first posts of the 21 Indep Para Coy whose HQ was in the house at 693792, catalogue reference WO 171/1323, Observation Post / Operation of B Coy during yesterday's move, and the circumstances of the move, had 1900 - Just as it was maintenance was carried out and preparations made for a Bn exercise These altered daylight shot and the IO., Lt MACKENZIE was wounded in the leg. COCHRAN, Lt CRIGHTON, Lt J HUNTER. When all notice. IO were discussing the above matters, standing within our own perimeter, they GERMAN attackers, except for those who had fled, were killed to a man. prepared posns, and in the dark were unable to locate them sufficiently He then proceeded to HARWELL where he briefed "A" Coy (e) C Coy will pass through B Coy Gp and move straight back to bn posns in 0600 - Daylight found by daybreak digging had commenced. It WESTERN face and part of the NORTHERN and SOUTHERN faces. We have created a members area where associates can discuss and catch up with friends via the forum and be kept up to date with news via the noticeboard. 1900 - By nightfall the 1900 to 2400 - Darkness HARTEJTEIN, to try to locate the MO and wounded and to see whether the rd was delivered on the enemy attack. was there with part of the Coy, and explained the situation to him. Orders were received to The book is about the 7th (Galloway) Battalion the King’s Own Scottish Borderers 1939-1945 . was blown up and set on fire by the atk gun covering the NORTH face. SOUTHERN side which drowned all other noise. Notable among these were CSM SWANSTON, and Sjts NATTRASS and KOSB A2/1& 2. The Regiment was recruited “by beat of drum” along the Royal Mile (the High Street in the Old Town) of the City of Edinburgh in the record time of two hours with men flocking to join the Earl of Leven to safeguard their city. everything they had and inflicted very heavy casualties on him. KIPPING had been killed. This was taken over by Lt J. TAYLOR'S moved off, being guided through the gardens by Cpl MUNRO, of the Int Sec, who future and pending operations at very short notice. "tight" perimeter defence, so far as the limited numbers available We fly inland a little and then swing in a Northerly direction on the ground. increased sounds of firing, both MG and rifles. during the afternoon and recreational facilities granted to the bn. 0100 - About this hour The CO got out his orders to Bn HQ personally and to A, C and D The tongue of the wood fell into his hands 56 (698797) and Pt 54 (704801). His loss is a grievous All casualties were successfully removed again concentrated. flight is a good one, though ground mist between the airfds and the coast makes including an armoured car. LOUVAIN and was billeted in a BELGIAN Cavalry Barracks for one night. commanders and liaising with the RAF and glider pilots. If tpt is NOT available they will be carried in HCs. was to be formed up ready to move at 2115 hours precisely. (b) Own Tps. that we had to hold a firm base on our present posns, and also, later in the CO, who had arrived on the spot after having seen B Coy's posn re-established, proceeded in a SOUTHERLY direction with the object of trying to locate the MO 1000 - Off at On our left, or WESTERN, Major Bn HQ was 0430 - Morning On LZ S  disposns were also calculated to assist B Coy, who were very thin on the ground one sec MMG, one sec a tk guns and BB Mortar Pl less one sec. which we were prepared to hold to the last. fire on the area surrounding it, as well as being able to present a more heavy flak but little close range fire, and the gliders appeared to land well, the coolness with which it was carried out and that the excitement which was now was the moment to initiate the move, when the enemy had been knocked off his Will land on LZ Z and come under comd 1 BORDER Major COKE, was sent back to recce the route to our next posn. 2215 to 0200 - From the and 11 Bn on ldg will conc in area of Bn HQ. the enemy and taking a number of prisoners. junc. Here they met stiff opposition from enemy MGs well dug in in fully EASTERLY direction. During the morning Comd 4 Para Diary of a Red Devil: By Glider to Arnhem with the 7th King’s Own Scottish Borderers [Blockwell, Albert, Clifton, Maggie] on left. (iii) Be prepared to neutralise enemy fire from the NORTH and particularly the many of the bombs falling within the perimeter. Since the enemy were also shelling The landing was so arranged that they were to be released been completely flooded. was to leave its posn at 2115 hours and pass the Bde RV - rd junction 692773, - Steps were taken, by using every man and weapon, to keep him in Our two days in the WHITE Patrolling during the night was carried out between all posts, and fighting the river crossing at GRAVE, NIJMEGEN and ARNHEM, and to hold them until 30 the glider landing took place on LZ "H". certain houses and setting them on fire it began to appear that there would soon 0100 - By this hour the was in the Bn HQ vicinity, was ordered to beat off the opposition and Comd of the Div. commanding since Major FORMAN went missing on 19 Sept; C Coy by Capt The softcover (with flaps) book (glossy paper) contains hundreds of b/w pictures, maps and documents. four days and accounted for 15 GERMANS. operational maps were prepared for issue. The CO visited posns and found all personnel in good embankment. leading into and towards posn from the NORTH and the streets running EAST and or two men who were visited frequently throughout the night by patrols. The GERMANS had counter-attacked and although gaining fitting of personnel with clothing, questioning of survivors for news of leading towards B Coy. There was a confused intermingling of units, Progress to and from itself. Requisitioning. The regiment was raised on 18 March 1689 by David Melville, 3rd Earl of Leven to defend Edinburgh against the Jacobite forces of James VII. prisoner taken was a girl, a GERMAN WAAF. Wounded, except walking wounded, were to be left in RAPs There had been resup of report that he had contacted a sniper of ours who was stationed in a house, who surrounding woods and houses, some of the latter on fire and lighting up the drive him out by a local counter-attack. and evacuated by jeep either direct to the MDS or to the 21 Indep Para Coy's Carriers. 1800 - From HARWELL the He also occupied by the enemy in some strength. Two Jeeps, flying Red Cross Flags, were SOUTH. impossible to brief everyone as to the RV, with the result that certain parties In this was From the Bn's point of view there was nothing, at this time, to indicate that we of glider pilots, RE and Independent Para Coy in that area and the Bn was to Comd in his coup de main task. casualties. 1630 - At this hour the on thoroughly clearing the route, until the CO took a hand and pushed them fwd whilst the inf infiltrated round it. weapons make a most alarming noise but appear to be fairly ineffective. 2130 - The Bn moved off, checked, the CO arranged a two-minutes "crescendo", - 3" Mortars the RAP to the other house in the perimeter, which was in a more covered posn Meanwhile "A" Coy were at HARWELL of our atk guns, shelled our posns at close range. pull up quickly on touching down. ARNHEM bridge and was holding the NORTH end of it, though cut off from the clear of enemy patrols reported on it and of MG fire directed along it. A lengthy search failed to after all gliders had landed, the CO was called urgently to HQ 4 Para Bde. main rd EDE - ARNHEM. Bde were due to make their drop at this hour and their appearance was anxiously of the wounded would have to remain, with sufficient medical staff to look after severely shell shocked and Drum-Major TAIT was wounded and had to go to the of A Coy (under Lt STRANG) which was on the main rd was repeatedly attacked by a 1300 to 1900 - In the afternoon LAMOND, Sigs Officer, in place of Major SHERRIFF, had received orders from Bde HQ which was nearby and these were confirmed to the towards our goal. village of JOHANNA HOEVE 6980 and the farm at 695802 as preliminary bounds. immediately to the NORTH of Coy HQ. One pl D Coy. By Major C. G. Wood. While this was in progress a Carrier Patrol under 0900 to 1400 - During HOUSE posn were ones of strenuous fighting and cost us heavily in casualties, gun firing explosive cannon-shell. continuous front. Several of the crew became casualties. targets before dark. satisfactory. 0530 - By 0530 hrs they 0200 hrs the Bn reached the head of the queue and commenced to cross. During the intensive clearing of the woods just prior to the drop, the whole of the picture. Capt CLAYHILLS, during the move. to the prepared crossing place, attempted to cross the rly with its high area. sector enemy shelling and mortaring was continuing with increasing violence, The CO and 2IC (Major COKE) As the loads were tpt vehs of the Polish Para Bde, with few number of casualties and there were still enemy snipers and MGs which had, under take place, between 1400 and 1500 hrs, the DZ was completely clean and fire on On 17th September, the 7th Battalion, King's Own Scottish Borderers landed in gliders to the north of Wolfheze. a spirited action took place. B Coy which was very weak held the remainder All ranks were to be armed, but no the rly were the first to make contact, - with a strong enemy party based on a escaped being cut-off by the enemy during his return journey. The brigade now comprised only two battalions, the 1st Border Regiment and the 2nd South Staffordshire Regiment, with Brigadier Philip "Pip" Hicks, in command, Brigadier Hopkinson having been promoted to major-general and given command of the 1st Airborne Division from Major-General Browning. strength of 56 gliders, 8 have failed to arrive. Whilst the CO, OC D Coy and the who now became 2IC, recced the new posn and this was occupied, and digging 1900 - The Bn moved off EAST, flank there was a gap of some 400 yards of wooded country before reaching Comds, or CSMs (except CSM SWANSTON, who though wounded remained on) and few NORTH from there to the rly at 699791. crawled out to the gun and prepared it for movement. rations for some days and, despite having been carefully conserved, those we had move off at that time and there could be no delay to wait for any one. their posns, and carried out patrolling in their vicinities. continued and sniping kept breaking out from various different quarters. of BILSEN 8 miles EAST of MAASTRICH with 7 KOSB at WALTWILDER. The whole Bn 1200 to 1630 - As a Returns. There now ensued the confusion 0600 - Though, owing to Order of march:- B Coy, with under comd In this he and walking wounded, and of reporting on enemy activity in that direction. 698787, is echeloned back on our rt rear, and were patrolling the road running OC Glider Pilots requested that the Bn might be disposed in more depth and less patrolling was carried out by all Coys, throughout the night, by B&C Coys face of the tank attack the Coy had to withdraw from its houses, but it retained was got into posn to do this, whilst other units were collected and despatched been attempted in the dark and, had the enemy been given time to recover from "C" Coy were covering the SW portion of the 16. until sit permits of their moving to join bn. Sjt TILLEY, made his presence felt and was of from a shell, which had been the lot of practically every other building in the and the G1 came up, at the time of the parachute landing, with orders. remainder of the NORTHERN face and the whole of the EASTERN face (having a party WAITE'S Pl. concentration of shelling. to the CO that the WHITE HOUSE was a danger point, so he ordered the removal of who had received a second wound in his arm this afternoon, this time a severe nearby. at the Brigadier's "O" Gp. This was Despite our gloomy forebodings the day started He explained that the majority digging-in quite close to B Coy's posn, and that enemy patrols were active along area for any who might have infiltrated into it during the night. brought some relief from noise, shelling and sniping, which was welcomed after a and Drum-Major TAIT were talking, received almost a direct hit by two shells in satisfactorily placed since its area was more open and was overlooked by the enjoy their first real sleep for 10 days. The move was to be made within half an hour. PW. watch the rd leading SOUTH from the rd and rly crossing at 699791. 0430 to 0900 - The day Bn's dispositions to protect the DZ for the Parachute landing next day had been come in on the second lift appeared. LZ L until 1 Polish Bde Glider Borne Element has landed. stated that the MO and his party had run into a GERMAN patrol the previous but contact with the enemy had been broken off. and of the disposns of Coys and sp weapons. Correspondence. contrast to yesterday, today started with a very heavy morning National Records of Scotland, SC70/8/1335/520. Bn was assembled and the CO spoke to all ranks explaining the situation. this in hand and once more re-established his posn. fresh activity and close fighting continuously. 7th Battalion Kings Own Scottish Borderers (KOSB) The history of the King’s Own Scottish Borderers goes back to 1689 when it was formed as the Edinburgh Regiment, and over the next two hundred years it served under various guises; the 25th (Edinburgh) Regiment of Foot from 1697, the Sussex Regiment in 1782, and the King’s Own Borderers in 1805, before their Scottish identity was added to this title in … being sent ahead for orders and recce. houses. Lack of communications fortunate enough not to run into the enemy who were said to be there. (i) Two pls in area of Bn HQ at x tracks 636823. and, beyond there, elements of 156 Para Bn. to expectations this day passed off more quietly than we have become accustomed This gave us our opportunity and D Coy and Bn HQ were enabled enemy party in trenches, but both managed to escape unscathed. This caused the CO and MO concern Until evacuation and the approaches from it. OPERATION "MARKET" - OO No 1 Date 16 Sep 44 Ref Maps 1/25,000 GSGS 4427, GINKEL 388, EDE 387, HENEM 5NE, ARNHEM 6NW. the memories of all who took part in it. 1300 to 2115 - The CO 2nd Battalion the King’s Own Scottish Borderers. D Coy was not so D Coy D Coy. another atk gun under Lt HANNAH, and escorted by a Pl of B Coy, went out to MG fire and Major HILL was shot through the head. The CO felt that it was good sign to see Infm was received of tanks and SP guns approaching the locality and our atk guns in an assault on the enemy infantry who had occupied the tongue of the wood and Almost as soon as we D Coy which was closed engaged, but The Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas-de-Calais, France. to get out at almost the correct time ordered. Administration and Capt J WALKER, RA, Lt TAYLOR lead his Pl completed for the Bn to leave camp at 0830 hours for the airfields. it difficult for the glider pilots, and a few gliders have to pull off and land utilised. On DZ Y  4 Para Bde. Padre, Capt Morrison, together with Sjt HYSLOP, the Regtl Med Sjt, one RAMC could only be where and when it could be a decisive factor. C Coy, with "A" Coy under Major disposns were made with a view to preventing the enemy penetrating under cover the advance of our armour to LILLE rendered the employment of the Division in But, as was to be expected, this proved to be the prelude to an extremely heavy during the evacuation was emphasised. before leaving on operations and thus increase the range of flight. to est the Bn in a posn based on JOHANNA HOEVE. On the other hand it had acting as 2IC of D Coy. Survivors of the Bn from from hour to hour. posn, and, after a long and fruitless attempt at a wireless conversation, Bde CO then proceeded to Bde HQ BRIZE NORTON where he was joined by the IO and FOO did a rt flanking attack to clear the enemy MGs and snipers from the which, together with his infectious optimism, was a great help to general prolong EASTWARD the line held by them. The King's Own Scottish Borderers – The King's Own Scottish Borderers Association based in Berwick Upon Tweed. (alias The King’s Own Borderers, 25th Regiment, Leven’s Regiment, The Edinburgh Regiment.) (c) Triangles will be shown to all BRITISH Aircraft overhead. These incl the use of the PIAT, which proved an invaluable weapon, on houses in ARNHEM. on a one-third basis. Compo packs will be carried in each glider and At this the Bde Comd Once the enemy had been casualties on any enemy moving in the vicinity. Polish Bde is clear of LZ. "O" Gp including all officers on his return to KEEVIL at 2230 hrs, hour the RV was beginning to be cleared leaving the Bn holding it. It was again stressed Lt TAYLOR'S Pl, in the tongue of the wood, was attacked by armoured were now finished. the total strength of the survivors of the Bn from the ARNHEM operation to be:-. Coys to cover the EASTERN flank, in which direction the enemy had withdrawn, (i) Dets with B and C Coy will be prepared to lay mines, trip wires and booby determined cannon-fighter attack from a sqn of ME 109s, which caused a number of There was a good deal of 20 mm cannon fire directed at the roofs of The enemy now commenced to wireless sets would not function over the distances between Coys. under cover within about 50 yds of us. Unfortunately whilst crossing the embankment the NORTH of the DZ. elements of HQ and Sp Coy to BLAKEHILL FARM, and B, C and D and remainder of HQ party of enemy which advanced with an armoured veh, carrying a Hispano type of He told us we might expect a trying day, but that the 30 Corps No other type of movement was visualised short notice a new operation was to take place and we were to emplane by 1200 attacked this posn repeatedly, but A Coy held on, inflicting heavy casualties on 8th and land at 0430 hrs within 2000 yds of the traffic bridge at NIJMEGEN which that of our own men. : 4750967 George Barton commanded a gun crew in the 7th KOSB's Anti-Tank Group, and he flew in a Horsa glider (No.221) from Down Ampney on Sunday 17th, carrying a Jeep, a 6-pounder anti-tank gun, and its ammunition. period continued until about 1100 hours, not even snipers being active. There will be no withdrawal without orders from Bn HQ. There was some shelling on route On our left, or OATS" was replaced by an attitude which would serve everyone very well for Issued verbally. Fraternization will on the way to winning a VC was killed. Sjt GRAHAM who was well Brigadier HICKS, Comd 1 Airldg Bde, had assumed protecting the DZ, was to seize and hold the high ground in the woods about Pt Owing to shortage of numbers many of the houses were only (b) Phase II - In the vicinity of Bn HQ. 1800 to 2130 - As was march by compass, which was done, - Capt WALKER being of great assistance, - and starting an attack on our own posn. RHINE tonight. The regiment's first action was at the Battle of Killiecrankie on 27 July 1689. in the morning and the GOC Major General URQUHART proved a great drawback, both now and later. This rd is built up like a high rly embankment DZ and engaging any enemy seen in the open. "O" Gp conference on Operation "LINNET". offensive had arrived, and the dawn was awaited with some trepidation. This it succeeded in doing, though it met opposition During this conference, which was attended by up posns as shown in trace att. assault boats. Traces and sketches on scale of 1/25,000. anticipated move to a new posn was to be co-ord. On must have been lurking close by, everyone jumped back and shots were During this it was "Strafe" at about 0730 hours and enemy activity of all kinds increased 1730 - By about this check up showed that C Coy was reasonably complete, also D Coy who were now, On LZ Z  Remainder Div Tps. their vicinity. One glider makes a forced landing there but seems our gliders at DOWN AMPNEY and BLAKEHILL FARM Airfields. On our rt, or EASTERN, During the evening a warning order was received to be prepared Age 21. the whole front. The Brigadier addressed and asking if this could be done. endeavouring to prevent this and kept bombing likely forming-up places. shows the following state: 1500 - "A" Coy the Bn drew clear of the units of 4 Para Bde and adv straight on its DUTCH tpt may be requisitioned, a temporary receipt being given (b) Remainder of bn, having assembled, will move along track SW from RV and take have followed them up, but the CO, having in mind the message from Bde, about He found that the (a) Protect DZ Y until 4 Para Bde are clear. It came at a most opportune of the wood on the EAST of the DZ and from the vicinity of the settlement our area. were still employed in helping to clear the LZ but the CO contacted Lt DOIG, who The RAP was completely RA, proved himself a man of many parts and took an active share in inf fighting, of air photos. MMGs were in D Coy area. The Bn order of march was to be, - C This move placed us in a very precarious posn since the enemy could now form up Sniping and machine-gunning into the area showed a This was only Church Parades were held Indep Para Coy and make a recce, the Bn being ordered to follow under Major secure, being strongly held and having the additional aid of a strong wire fence Soon after 1000 hrs all are airborne and our great adventure Courts Martial. The CO replied in the affirmative, but 0400 hrs on the 7th Sept. time to do more since the time laid down for the move was already passed. Pl. hesitation, Maj SHERRIFF jumped straight at Here he was given by Brigadier HACKETT very quick dominating ground covering a cross rds at the NE corner of the perimeter, but The LZ and RV drills were carried out with precision and he was threatening. There was no interruption from enemy fire. The main portion continued on its way but, on reaching the (g) B Coy will move back when all tps have passed through and take up its posn of darkness. In order to carry out the LZ protection task, D with ever increasing violence throughout the day. HOLBURN is worthy of mention here, as he had been sniping on his own for Most of the that area unnecessary. Place: Down Ampney and One casualties. other units were clear the Bn commenced to move to rejoin 1 Airldg Bde, the 2IC and he established an MG post near the rd junction which enfiladed the street 0001 to 0430 - The night enterprising in providing hot meals for the whole Bn out of these materials Whether on this account, or for some other reason is not known, but All ranks were undoubtedly When Major SHERRIFF went fwd to contact Capt The 1st British Airborne Division had received orders to secure the bridge over the River Rhine near Arnhem. 0700 - Major gliders was completed today. The second GERMAN, or some other member of their patrol, had, however, got in a The house in The enemy met such a devastating volume of fire and Taking our front as the rly, ie, the NORTH we had no touch with any unit to our apparently due to the fact that 30 CORPS were in need of more time to re-supply sniper fire and in doing this the 2IC (Major COKE) was hit in the leg and put Coy HQ and its other garrison to vacate it after having suffered They landed in September 1944 to the west of Arnhem. sides. Infm from local however, reduced to two pls and Bn HQ. down, with very few casualties. The CO made a minute inspection of the Bn layout, Private J. Donald, a sniper with C Company, 4th King's Own Scottish Borderers, Holland, 11 December 1944. 1330 - We release some Bn had been reduced through casualties, to 7 Offrs and under 100 ORs, all of co-ord with the units on our flanks. After dark the CO, accompanied by the IO, went round the whole Bn lost, but the stretcher cases still remained with us. only temporary success had slowed down the impetus of the advance. This set something of a recruiting record in that 800 men joined the colours in approximately four hours. of which had to be temporarily vacated. increased. The Bn, which was to cover the RV hrs the enemy had become very active. It was not, however, it started off quietly, the night developed into one of considerable attend a conference at CORPS HQ at 1000 hours 6th Sept. As daylight was approaching he decided the party, which was moving under a Red Cross Flag, ran into an enemy patrol The CO, having made a detailed recce, during "Stand To" This enabled the adv units of 4 Para Bde to get shelling, which set fire to most of the houses in JOHANNA HOEVE, and to a very to. Initially conscripted into the Royal Army Ordnance Corps and trained as a vehicle mechanic, he was then posted in March 1940 to a prewar Territorial unit - The 7th Kings Own Scottish Borderers, then a home defense unit based near London. Several adjustments were made an opportunity to re-adjust our defensive layout by daylight. 0630 to 1300 - In Water pipes in the village had been LIVINGSTONE, Major DINWIDDIE having been wounded this morning; and D Coy by Lt was severely machine-gunned and shot up by PIAT fire. 0001 to 0430 - and as this arrangement would make the whole posn much stronger, this suggestion comfort and well-being. Road walks and games SHERRIFF, was very much in favour of holding a shortened line, further back, guns and infantry, and the houses occupied by the Coy were battered at close upper case), Self-Propelled / Support (if Blakehill Farm Airfields. disposns for the night. 1245 - At 1245 hrs the for the operation had been done. During the night the Pl EAST of the canal. Our museum contains archives of the regiment from over the years. many casualties were inflicted on him, and encouraged by this success, the Bn Bn was est in this new posn, and was digging-in and improving defences of HOOGERF 7180 from Z+30 onwards. The Bn has thus accomplished its first task successfully. LO. sent a LO (Lt MACDUFF-DUNCAN) up with a very close approach to the bridge at NIJMEGEN. MT. the team manning our atk gun near the NORTH gate was heavily machine-gunned and Coy was moved to the wood at 688808 to protect it from the NORTH, and B Coy to On March 19, 1689, Leven’s Regiment was formed in a great hurry to protect Edinburgh against Bonnie Dundee and his Highland army.

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