national housing federation

Our cookies policy. Our cookies policy. The code emphasises the importance of: organisational culture; putting in place a framework for ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion within all housing associations; environmental sustainability; and; accountability to residents. They are also working round the clock to keep vital services running, Member only Kate Henderson updates chief executives on the Federation's work to shape the political and policy developments on the key issues affecting housing associations during this, Supported housing providers are on the frontline of the coronavirus crisis. The Green Paper, titled Advancing our Health: Prevention in the 2020s, We’ve responded to the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission’s consultation after it recently sought feedback on its interim report. Under the previous, Taking stock: Understanding the quality and energy efficiency of housing association homes This research set out to explore the condition of homes in the sector, both in terms of their physical, The NHF, in partnership with other sector leaders, has issued guidance to enable housing associations to defined benefit account the Social Housing Pension Scheme and the Scottish Housing, This briefing details the number of homes housing associations developed in 2018/19. These, The following guidance is taken from the government's coronavirus recovery strategy. Andy Skarzynski Radian Group. We work with our members to make this vision a reality – delivering ambitious programmes that lead to lasting, positive change. Duration: 40 minutes. We have responded and recommended that the UK does not introduce compulsory VAT grouping. Homelessness fear over Tory plans for stronger eviction powers . We have revised and updated, We have responded to the government’s consultation on the clarification of Approved Document B (ADB) of the Building Regulations. Member only The Social Housing White Paper proposes some significant changes for the social housing sector. Please login to, The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government recently consulted on reforms to development corporations. It can be, Emergency fund for homelessness charities New funding to support domestic abuse and modern slavery survivors Government brings forward funding for new supported homes to end rough sleeping The, Member only Ensuring that people are safe in their homes is one of the most important roles of a housing association and its board. With difficult market, We held a meeting earlier this year in response to a number of queries we've received around accounting for Voluntary Right to Buy sales. The Commissioners identified a huge opportunity for housing associations as anchor, Member only In this webinar we explore two recently published pieces of research that evidence the impact that a long term affordable housing programme would have: • Research conducted by CAST, Member only This webinar talks through the key building safety issues for smaller housing associations, what you need to be doing now and how you can prepare for transition to the new regulatory, Housing associations can be at the heart of the nation’s economic and social recovery. Input from the Tenant Advisory Panel and Member Steering Group 3. We believe that everyone should have the home they need at a price they can afford. We published our draft Together with Tenants plan, Member only This webinar explores the role of board members in managing risk and assurance. In this webinar you will learn about the importance of, We’ve updated our award-shortlisted digital resource that plots all brownfield land sites in England. They are employers, builders, partners and placemakers. Early adopters each, In our response to the Home Office’s fire safety consultation, published on 20 July 2020, we welcome the government’s proposals to: Strengthen the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order) 2005, The government has published its response to submissions to its call for evidence on the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 (the Act), alongside an independent evaluation of the implementation of, Tell us your views on the planning reforms proposed in the government’s new white paper We’ve produced a briefing for members which sets out our response to the government’s consultation on, We’ve responded to the Pensions Regulator’s funding code of practice consultation on Defined Benefit pensions. This interactive map is designed to make it easier to locate available brownfield sites, Member only Our member briefing on the Interim Report of the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety provides a summary of the key findings, recommendations, the response, Development guide for smaller housing associations Member only This guide to development is tailored specifically for smaller housing associations, describing each stage of the process and, 1. As part of its policy response to the fire at Grenfell Tower, the. Please login to access this member, About the proposals Our sector response We’ve responded on behalf of the sector, welcoming the Government’s proposals to reduce the trigger height for sprinkler provision in new high-rise blocks, Member only This is the first in our Housing Futures webinar series, which focuses on the Identify phase of the innovation process. With almost 800 housing association members, providing homes for around six million people, we are at the forefront of tackling the nation’s housing crisis. Together with, As a member of the National Housing Federation, anyone from your organisation can get involved in our work. Consulta lugares cercanos en un mapa. More videos in this series Easing lockdown: recovery plan Easing lockdown: repairs In this video, Kelly McArthur, Head of Lettings at Sovereign, shares Sovereign’s approach to managing voids and, More videos in this series Easing lockdown: recovery plan Easing lockdown: lettings In this video, Peter Hall, Interim Director of Commercial Services at Radian, shares Radian's approach to, Member only Coronavirus has already had a dramatic impact on jobs and incomes and we will be living with the economic impact of the crisis for years to come. This webinar recording provided a space for our members to share best practice around preparing for and mitigating the impact of coronavirus on our residents and services. Housing associations have a strong track record of supporting people into, This briefing details the number of homes housing associations developed in the second quarter of this year (2019/20), plus numbers delivered in the twelve months to September 2019. What is Influencing Academy? It contained a range of measures to support industry and individuals through the pandemic, including an extension to the furlough, Following the launch and national rollout of Together with Tenants we are holding webinars on each of the six priorities. The survey, conducted jointly by nine housing associations across England, looks at how the, Member only According to official figures, during the coronavirus pandemic 15,000 rough sleepers have been offered emergency accommodation, including in hotels. The, We’ve published our response, on behalf of the sector, along with a seven-point summary of our key recommendations. If you need an editable version of the presentation, please email [email protected]. Next steps Our Together with Tenants. In our submission, we welcomed the government, Climate Change and Sustainability in Housing 2021 Housing associations have a critical role to play in delivering the government’s ambition for net zero carbon emissions, and responding to the, Member only Improving diversity, equality and inclusion goes to the heart of who we are as organisations and what we stand for as a sector. This includes, Member only This pandemic has driven people indoors and transformed the way that social landlords work with communities, as well as increasing pressures in those communities. There are no hidden costs in our prices – you won't pay VAT on the National Housing Summit 2021 event tickets. National Housing Federation | 23.412 seguidores en LinkedIn. Now in its 4th, Member only The government is consulting on proposals to change the requirements of building regulations which would, in effect, ban the use of combustible materials: In and on the external walls. National Housing Federation members are entitled to preferential rates Take advantage of my discount We have partnered with the National Housing Federation to bring all members preferential rates on effective recruitment advertising products. Escribe tu opinión. Over the last few months we have seen the biggest response to rough sleeping in recent, Member only Following on from May’s webinar on board excellence in a crisis, this webinar shifts focus to the ‘new normal’ and what boards should be discussing in recovery from the crisis. This is a great, Member only This webinar recording will support boards in considering and planning how their organisations can stay ahead of changes to the regulatory agenda. Situated in Procter Street, Holborn WC1V, we are conveniently located close to the City and West End of London. We can do this by making our, The NHF has responded to an MHCLG consultation on domestic smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. 1,228 Followers, 259 Following, 127 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from National Housing Federation (@national.housing.federation) We've identified five housing priorities for the new government. Member only The government published its response to the Building a Safer Future consultation on 2 April, setting out how it intends to deliver reforms to the building safety regulatory system. It will also boost the economy, create jobs and improve people’s lives when our nation needs it most. They are providing vital services and putting in place exceptional measures to ensure vulnerable residents get the, We’ve produced a document outlining accounting considerations for housing associations for 2019/20 year end, focusing on the impact of coronavirus on impairment reviews of social housing, and, Member only Responding to the coronavirus outbreak and ensuring the health and wellbeing of all residents and staff is the top priority for housing associations. Speakers: Gavin Smart Chartered Institute of Housing. Crisis have just published their research on the success of the, Member only How are housing association boards responding to the coronavirus crisis? Progress with early adopters 2. Many housing, We have been working with the Housing Learning and Improvement Network to identify the key barriers to developing new supported housing for people with long-term care and support needs, and how, Member only In this webinar we provide an overview of the recently launched planning white paper, outline the key issues for our sector and answer your questions. 14 August 2018 The National Housing Federation supports the overall proposal put forward in the consultation to ban the use of combustible materials in cladding systems on high-rise buildings. How social housing can support settled futures for Gypsy and Traveller communities (interview) Homes at the Heart In this video, Suzannah Young, Policy Officer at the National Housing Federation interviews Ria Armstrong Neighbourhood Services Advisor and Traveller Site Manager at Teign. This webinar took place on 23, In September 2019 we published a briefing for housing associations to help them prepare for Brexit, focusing on the No Deal scenario, based on the government’s then recently, Download and print our factsheet to give to your local MP an overview of what housing associations are, the work they do and the impact they have on people's lives. Risk prioritisation in existing buildings – our submission to the government’s call for evidence 3. The current pandemic, Homes at the Heart See how much an average home costs in your area and compare this with how much people earn and other useful data. Horario de apertura, información de contacto y opiniones sobre National Housing Federation en First Floor White House New Street, Birmingham, West Midlands. Together, we can make Britain’s housing market work for everyone. The Federation has submitted views to the Government’s call to evidence on a review of Approved Document B, which provides guidance on meeting the fire safety requirements of building regulations. This webinar explores three different approaches, The NHF has responded to a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors’ (RICS) consultation on its draft UK Guidance Note on the valuation of properties in multi-storey, multi-occupancy residential, Member only This webinar reflects on how new rural housing policy, demographic changes, the current economic climate and the coronavirus crisis is creating both opportunities and challenges for, The guidance Housing association staff play a critical role in responding to the coronavirus crisis, in particular by: Providing vital care and support services to vulnerable customers both in, Member only The National Housing Federation is working with PIB Insurance Broker to support our members to procure Directors and Officers Liability Insurance from 1 April 2021. We’re seeking member views on the planning reforms proposed in the government’s new white paper and accompanying short-term consultation. Striving for excellence: developing and assessing professionalism in housing. Working with Government 4. Investing in social housing makes this possible. This follows the, The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is consulting on proposed guidance on valuations, which will affect the future application of the External Wall System (EWS1) form. They are working closely with residents, local government, the NHS and others to respond to the, What's coming up Member only This webinar explores best practice for members on managing local lockdowns in areas where they operate. The National Housing Federation (NHF) is a trade association for member social housing providers in England. 2. The uncertain economic and political climate we're currently facing presents a difficult environment, The Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission recently consulted on a range of questions about beauty and design in the planning process. Working with residents, our independent Tenant Advisory Panel, our members and others we have, We’ve produced a briefing for members which sets out our response to the government’s consultation on proposed planning reforms set out in its white paper, Planning for the future. During the crisis, our relationship with our home has changed dramatically, Homes at the Heart A briefing on research supporting the Homes at the Heart campaign For many people, our homes have been important places of refuge and safety during this pandemic – but for, Environment, energy and culture submission Member only Economic recovery and renewal after coronavirus submission Member only The National Housing Federation have submitted the following to the, Member only We are delighted that Dame Judith was able to join us for this webinar to share her vision for a housing association sector with a culture of safety and discuss her role in leading. This briefing shares examples, The Construction Leadership Council has issued updated guidance on construction site operating procedures during the coronavirus outbreak. We, Member only The government published its coronavirus recovery strategy on 11 May, setting out an indicative roadmap for the easing of lockdown restrictions. Housing First is a housing and support approach which: Gives people who have experienced homelessness and chronic health and social care needs a stable home from which to rebuild their lives. Funding for small domestic violence charities 4. We believe that everyone should have the home they need at a price they can afford. Extremely vulnerable people will be advised to continue shielding for the foreseeable future. The National Housing Summit 2021 will be the most important event in housing this year as we come together as one and chart a course to support the national economic and social recovery. Housing associations are key drivers of economic. #NationalHousingSummit From Monday 1 October 2018, as part of the Homelessness Reduction Act, public, HM Treasury issued a Call for Evidence last month in relation to VAT grouping. Use this data to let MPs and the government know why, East of England East Midlands London North East North West South East South West West Midlands Yorkshire and Humber Get the latest data on affordability, unemployment and shortfall in, The government has announced a new £266m Next Steps Accommodation Programme (NSAP) for rough sleepers. The Greater London Authority has issued a new version of the model mortgagee protection clause, which has been revised following discussions with housing associations and sector specialists. Prima, Housing associations have played a central part in the country’s coronavirus response and now social housing must be at the heart of the national recovery. Produced on our behalf by Savills, this code has been written to provide a framework for organisations’ boards and executives to work to, having decided that a merger, group structure or other, Model Rules 2015 Guide to the Model Rules The Federation, as sponsor for the Model Rules has revised them so they are compliant with recent legislation, good practice, and regulatory, Member only Assured non-shorthold tenancy Assured shorthold fixed-term tenancy Assured shorthold tenancy Model support agreement The Federation has updated its model tenancies to take account of, Telephone: 020 7067 1010Email: [email protected] officeBristol officeManchester office. Our updated Local Economic Impact Calculator shows housing associations’ contribution to the productivity of local areas. We understand this supersedes this guidance which, We've responded to the Bank of England consultation on its proposals to produce a daily index to support the use of SONIA by simplifying the calcuation of interest rates. Chair: Simon Nunn National Housing Federation. What does board excellence look like at the moment? This webinar was aimed at smaller, Member only During this webinar, Chief Executive Fiona MacGregor and Deputy Chief Executive of the Regulator of Social Housing Jonathan Walters talk to Catherine Ryder, Director of Policy, We've produced a briefing that summarises the key housing announcements by the government in the Spring Budget, and our response to each. Reminder During this webinar you will hear from the partner organisations about how the campaign is going so far, where it is going next and how you can help to amplify this crucial message. Build homes for social rent and ownership The new, The Government has been consulting on changes to shared ownership that aim to improve customer experience of the product. 1. Housing associations are, In August 2018, the Voluntary Right to Buy Midlands pilot was launched across the East and West Midlands – giving housing association tenants the opportunity to apply to buy their home at a, The coronavirus pandemic has pushed every social landlord to ask the question, how can we better support the mental health of residents and staff? Government funding for homelessness and rough sleeping 3. We also give our recommendations for housing associations to be key delivery, Housing associations are working closely with residents, local government, the NHS and others to respond to the coronavirus crisis. Are you making the most of your, This briefing sets out the key challenges Brexit may bring for housing associations and how the sector can prepare. Communicate, communicate, communicate! This webinar was chaired by Mark Farmer founding Director of Cast Consultancy. We’ve made a sector submission to the Environmental Audit Committee Inquiry on the Energy Efficiency of Existing Homes. Read our response to the first of two consultations. First Homes are new properties to be sold for at least 30%, In this Budget, the government has an opportunity to commit to the investment needed to end the housing crisis for good. A, Housing associations are not-for-profit landlords to more than six million people in England. Our members completed 45,604 homes which is a 10% increase compared to the previous year. The Federation has an important leadership role in the housing sector - we set the agenda and drive forward proactive pieces of work. How to better understand, We want to hear members’ views on the potential impacts of the government’s First Homes policy, which is currently open to consultation. While this will remain a priority, there are also, DAHA guidance for general needs providers Women’s Aid domestic abuse guidance for survivors, friends and family Domestic abuse and sexual violence guidance for homelessness settings Advice for, The Government has now announced that house moves, including social housing lettings, can restart, with appropriate safety measures in place. | The National Housing Federation is the voice of affordable housing in England. The consultation asked for, We submitted our response to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s accessibility standards for new homes consultation. This website uses cookies. During LGBTQ+ History Month, we hosted this webinar to look at British LGBTQ+ history and, Approach to evictions extended to 31 May 2021 Care homes and supported housing Vaccines rollout Testing information Economic support for individuals Supporting vulnerable people through, Following the launch and national rollout of Together with Tenants we are holding webinars on each of the six priorities. By continuing to browse our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. That's why we represent the work of housing associations and campaign for better housing. The impact of the coronavirus outbreak means that it's now more important than ever to create a strong governance team. The governance function provides housing associations with stability and confidence. National Housing Federation. Our London office is conveniently located close to Holborn tube station. The key findings are: In the, This report explores how housing associations are using the Housing First model as a means to address homelessness. New consolidated advice note – how will it impact your organisation? This webinar will focus on these two: • Voice and influence – views from, The housing association sector has long played a role in creating safe spaces and building communities. Lion Court 25 Procter Street London WC1V 6NY. Please login to access this, 1. In our response, we’ve proposed that the Pensions Regulator: Recognises the minimal, The role of housing associations as anchor institutions is what sets them apart. Speakers include housing associations who have. Social media protocol - National Housing Federation 1. The Green Paper covers a range of issues that are central to the housing, This document explains the requirements to retain and dispose of data for housing associations and provides guidance on appropriate data handling and disposal. By continuing to browse our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. New build delivery was, Main points for housing associations Specific points for supported housing Vaccines and testing Our next steps Last updated: 15 February 2021 Following the Prime Minister’s announcement about a, Member only Housing has become one of the most important political issues in recent years, with high expectations from the government, the regulator and the public. This new 2020 version has, Join Rt Hon Chris Pincher MP discusses ‘why MMC are an essential part of recovery post-COVID'. Our pensions advisers ISIO outline the detail behind this, the implications for pension scheme members, and what your housing association, The Pensions Regulator issued its first consultation on the new Defined Benefit Funding Code on 3 March 2020. The expected increase in. Our submission: States that our sector is fully committed to making sure, This research report features one of the largest surveys of Universal Credit claimants ever conducted. Results from our Universal Credit and rent arrears survey June 2020 The coronavirus outbreak is affecting everyone, including housing association residents who may be experiencing reduced or no, Member only Coronavirus has changed the way we all work and the way housing associations engage with their tenants. We’re calling for the government to work with the housing sector to develop the proposals so they have the, Member only Charlotte Deshmukh, Public Relations Manager at the National Housing Federation provides an update on the latest news and insight from the NHF, discusses reputation management and. We welcome the vital steps the government have taken so far to, The 2020 Spending Review set out the government’s spending plans for 2021/22 and focused on measures to tackle coronavirus, create jobs, strengthen public services and support the, With the end of the autumn lockdown imminent and winter on the horizon, we held a webinar on coronavirus testing, winter planning and infection control in supported housing settings. The government published a new planning white paper, Feedback Higher risk buildings All building work We’re seeking member feedback on the proposed changes in the Bill. The government has committed to the introduction of a Future Homes, The Bank of England’s Risk-Free Rate Working Group has issued a consultation on credit adjustment. Member only The government has published the Social Housing White Paper which sets out a ‘charter for social housing residents’ and aims to deliver the improvement in transparency and, Code of Governance 2020 The new 2020 Code of Governance has been completely rewritten, building upon the strength of previous codes and reflecting the latest developments in best practice and, Our response to Select Committee inquiry into decarbonisation The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Select Committee has launched an inquiry into decarbonising heat in homes. The government is currently planning, Member only The government has announced more details for the 2021-26 Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) and how it plans to build up to 180,000 new homes. Since the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017 there has been, The government’s coronavirus recovery strategy contains details of a number of supporting programmes that the government is already operating or planning to roll out. Liz Nicholls Rooftop Group. Find out how with our member benefits checklist. The government's call for evidence on fire safety: risk prioritisation in existing buildings sought views on:  How to assess and prioritise fire safety risks. The consultation asked for suggestions on how to incentivise greater, Housing associations creating great places and supporting growth Member only This publication promotes the role of housing associations in the Oxford-Cambridge Arc in helping the region to, Member only We commissioned YouGov to run a survey of swing voters to understand their views on housing issues ahead of the general election on 12 December. Legal powers have, What is the calculator? Please login to access this member, Use these resources to promote #AHomeForEveryone Priorities for the new government Conservative Party manifesto Invite your MP to visit Influencing Academy Your MP needs to understand what you, Member only Communicating with your residents This briefing outlines the new Rent Standard, to take effect on 1 April 2020, which allows for rent increases up to CPI+1% each year. The Conservative Party manifesto contains announcements on: Renewing the Affordable Homes Programme. The Bill amends existing, Member only This webinar for chief executives, senior directors and board members across London is an opportunity to hear from Tom Copley, the Deputy Mayor for housing at Greater London Authority, Member only Economic abuse involves behaviours that interfere with an individual’s ability to acquire, use and maintain economic resources such as money, transportation and utilities. Analysis of data on private rental listings extracted from Zoopla found, This briefing details the number of homes housing associations developed in the first quarter of this year (2019/20). In this webinar Catherine Ryder, NHF, Member only The 2020 Comprehensive Spending Review will set out the government’s spending plans for the rest of this Parliament (2021/2 - 2024/5) This is a key opportunity to shape and influence, Homes at the Heart In this video, Suzannah Young, Policy Officer at the National Housing Federation interviews Ria Armstrong Neighbourhood Services Advisor and Traveller Site Manager at Teign, Homes at the Heart In this video, Suzannah Young, Policy Officer at the National housing Federation interviews Calico Group CEO Anthony Duerden and Alex Atkinson, Head of Support Services at, Report summary Local housing registers (otherwise known as ‘waiting lists’) serve an important administrative function, but they do not give us the full picture of how many people are in need of.

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