nys pistol permit holders database

It is the gun that the Marine carries every day in Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Germany, or the Azores, or anywhere else our troops have gone, and died to. And their weapons are probably stored in their bedside tables, fully loaded, just waiting to be stolen and used by someone who didn't pass a background check. Local counties are in charge of issuing the permit based on discretion. In the case of sex crimes, the lifelong punishment that comes after all jail time has been served, fines paid, etc. What if one of those women holding a CHL did so owing to death threats from a jealous ex? It's only fair to know who is behind a media outlet and having disproportionate influence on the public, isn't it? Maybe we can ban sugar.. Hell, more people died from sugar then from guns (not counting the military or criminals that will still have guns regardless of you ban them or not). Because the NYPD is more interested in raping and/or eating ladies and spying on Muslims than it is in honoring public records law, the list contains only the names, and not the addresses, of the licensees. A dog is way more effective than a gun for keeping the home secure. Cheektowaga Office (inside Auto Bureau): Mondays 9:30 am - 4:30 pm (Plastic Permit Holders Only & Payment form: Credit Card, Check or Money Order Only) (closed until further notice) If my neighbor carries loaded guns around I want to know about it. Not the constituents. So, you won't mind if I publish a list of everyone who has a jewelry insurance rider for high-dollar valuables in their home, right? Guess what? Let's analyze that name though. A suburban New York newspaper that outraged gun owners by posting the names and addresses of ... removes gun permit database from ... law that included privacy provisions for permit holders. Ah, I see how coin collections would fail. I use each tool for it's intended purpose. And don't forget all the evil that men wielding guns have done in this world either. Guess it never expires.. yes they always keep your info and fingerprints on file... just in case. Hell, why not publish data on who has large coin collections at home while we're at it. All they do is polarize things, convince gun owners that any and all controls are bad because they'll be abused. Yet, another example of how information can be misused & misinterpreted - you have equated that a gun owner carries a loaded gun around just because they happen to be on that list; That statement may or many not be true. Today that happens to be anyone convicted of a felony, no matter how victimless that crime may have been, or unrelated to protecting ones self or family. What people are mad about is when some asshat decides to conveniently collect all of this information so that only criminals have a use for it. Is that an obnoxious action or a public service? Either way, it's really not anyone's business. I don't see how her ex knowing she has a gun puts her life in danger. Now the gun lobby doesn't have to talk in hypotheticals, or other nations, they can point to something that happened right in America that is precisely the kind of shit they are talking about. I'm calling his office tomorrow to personally thank him. What if we had a list of all gay people, or all people who buy porn because "we want our readers to know where its ok for the children to play" I dont think that would fly. If you have a gun, and it is loaded and ready to use when someone assults you, your family or your home the difference between having the gun taken away from you or it being used to defend you, your family and your home is training. Indeed, they were mostly just predictions based on knowing how people think and act. I still don't see the point of the disclosure beyond straightforward harassment of gun owners. With taking revenge on the complainers by, er, dumping the adress of every permit holder whether they're part of the discussion or not? We are not a democracy. ... despite recidivism rates for sex offenders being lower than for other categories of crime and recidivism rates for child molesters being lower than for sex offenders in general. The consequences of the major sex cri. kill more children each year than pedophiles, so let's ban those! "Gun haters have to accept and get over the fact that guns are NOT going to be banned," ...then why are some people calling for gun bans? I suggest we publish the telephone numbers, home addresses, and a list of everybody in the households of the newspaper's editorial staff. Look at the relatively high mix of different races and cultures in places like Anaheim that have very low violent crime co. i have to say i agreeall a criminal would have to do is sit there wait till you leave and go get a few. is almost always excessive. Without JavaScript enabled, you might want to turn on Classic Discussion System in your preferences instead. US has a strong history of frontier justice due to its very recent colonial past, which causes it to have a very skewed "punish for vengeance, not prevention and rehabilitation" culture largely absent in most of the world. Is shooting paper somehow not pacifist? If you read more detail in history, you'll see that the "historically high rates" from earlier years weren't actually extracted from those with wealth, as they all managed (and still do) to gain loopholes. The Honorable Gregory P. Storie, County Court Judge, is the issuing officer and determines approval, revocation and suspension of permits. The paper also tried to publish gun permit owners' information from Putnam county, but the city refused to fulfill the FOIL request. And almost every one of those is a case where the gun is being used as the manufacturer intended, not an accident. NY" has recently published New York State's entire database of pistol permits. Having sufficient training to pick. It really depends on the legislative vote. It’s offers a database of all New York residents who have a permit to own a gun. Did you know that when you are willing to deny some people their rights, you also say that it's okay to deny you your rights when you disgust enough people? They aren't agreeing to get caught, much less give up their rights. JavaScript is disabled. As of Wednesday morning, 262,114 … Of course not. That would be too difficult a battle. > many legal products are far more dangerous. Cruel and unusual is a fitting description. It's true! If you're going to tell the story, tell the WHOLE story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umK8U_FxPic, http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1052795, http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/phforum/foil/denied.htm, Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Pacifism doesn't mean not being armed; it means not being aggressive. Stunts like this are nothing but harmful. Just found a name on that list of a criminal judge that I know. Therefore, people living in safe communities rarely feel the need to own firearms for personal protection. Researchers Explain Why Flu Comes In the Winter, Linux and Android MMO Launches Kickstarter To Support Gameplay Expansion. Surely we should register those and make maps of who owns them? There's a prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment in the Bill of Rights for a reason; the punishment must fit the crime. What categories of outing would you ban in your nanny state? A newspaper has removed an interactive online map of handgun permit holders in two New York counties that drew nationwide anger and prompted threats … Regardless of whether someone publishes the data like in this case or the government itself uses the data to coerce gun owners to give up their guns the result is the same. That gun is not necessarily the shotgun I use for squirrel hunting on Saturdays. People are entitled to their opinions. What I DO NOT LIKE, is the government infringing on the lives of law abiding citizens. When did all sex offenders become pedophiles? Store locators are there because you go to them to buy stuff. Then off to jail with you. I'm a pacifist too, but I have no beef with private ownership of firearms. But in a country where the police is always packing, and potential victims often are, it is a valid argument. Here is the site to recertify: https://firearms.troopers.ny.gov/pprecert/welcome.faces. Are we going to seal the records of crime stats because it might lower property value? Trademarks property of their respective owners. I obtained it from the NYPD two-and-a-half years ago via a Freedom of Information Law request. Decide to murder someone? Office hours. However, nothing in the summary or the linked articles leads me to believe that the list is limited to concealed-carry permits. To me, a gun is a tool. I own a gun to shoot paper. The other thing to consider is that the likely reason the newspaper published this list was to invite retaliation against the firearms owners. Furthermore, there is no justification for creating intrusive government regulation that prevents me from committing suicide with a gun. The St. Lawrence County Clerk is responsible for accepting pistol permit applications and maintaining the files of pistol permit holders. "Outing" people is a really low political tactic and needs to be illegal. Apparently not. Intentionally. There's a database because the government--you know, the same nanny state you're talking about--forcibly collected the information in the first place under threat of jail. Gun nut? These records include those which: FYI - I also got information that confirmed that current and retired cops are also publicly listed on this database along with their home information. You respond "That's silly, it would be used only for lawful purposes by the proper authorities.". Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. It's also worth considering that many of those on the registries are actually innocent. ...when thieves break into their houses looking for guns. In order to recertify your Pistol Permit it will be necessary for you to provide accurate and timely information in the required fields. Most of them never commit any crimes. He was opposed to the Arms Act which disarmed native Indians, and understood that violence in defense was perfectly acceptable if the alternative was abject cowardice (as opposed to reasoned pacifism, which is anything but). Transparency on what the government does is very much different from transparency on what private citizens do. The site is redirecting did any one did a data dump of the site?

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