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Unless there are exceptional circumstances, restorative justice is not used as an alternative to disciplinary sanctions for violations of University policy. A. The University may provide amnesty for violations of Section 102.27 &c. for individuals who comply in good faith with contact tracing for reported incidents. Sign and Wilcoxon tests, Walsh averages. OSSJA or the chair may provide a brief statement of reasons if a challenge is denied. Sexual Harassment is defined by the University of California Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment. The chief administrative officer for the purpose of this section is the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, or their designee. The incident involves any form of sexual violence or sexual assault or physical assault. Generally, OSSJA allows one person to accompany a reported student as an advisor. and Surrender of University Identification and Property. At the discretion of the Director, the Director may request that the hearing authority consider and submit recommendations for sanctions as part of their deliberations. The appeal authority may deny the appeal; grant the appeal in whole or part; return the matter to a hearing authority for a new hearing; or direct such other relief as they deem appropriate. Within this policy, the term Director, and under the Director's supervision, the OSSJA staff, have authority to impose conduct sanctions. Meeting with accused students as part of the informal resolution process or to follow up with a student who has completed an educational task or community service. Restorative Justice does not replace disciplinary sanctions. B. Chancellors may impose discipline for violations of University policies or campus regulations whether or not such violations are also violations of law, and whether or not proceedings are or have been pending in the courts involving the same acts. Violations committed under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances are not involuntary and are subject to discipline. Before adoption, proposed substantive revisions to UC Davis student conduct policies and procedures are submitted to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, the Chancellor, and the UC Office of the President for review. for off campus behavior by students. Interim Suspension shall be reviewed by the Chancellor within 24 hours. The standard term of Revocation of Registration is five (5) years. A requirement for restitution in the form of reimbursement may be imposed for expenses incurred by the University or other parties resulting from a violation of these policies. A grade penalty is not a disciplinary sanction. - B. Instructor: Dr. D. A. Kouba . D. The report will include findings of fact as to each specified charge and recommend whether the conduct as found violates the policies or regulations as reported. A student who claims that their actions were involuntary of taken "under duress” as defined above has the burden of presenting information to support the claim. A student may appeal a Name on File as described in Section 103.10.9 C.4. If student status is a condition of employment, a student’s Suspension, Dismissal, or other loss of student status (for any reason) will result in termination of the student's employment. The reported student is afforded an opportunity to respond, to ask questions, and to discuss possible options for resolving the case. Assessment of disproportionate rates at which ethnic/racial minorities suffer and die from chronic and infectious diseases and injuries and statistical methods used to calculate these rates. Participation in and completion of an assigned educational program will not be maintained as a student disciplinary record. 'Reckless disregard' means consciously disregarding a substantial risk. An individual who participates as a complainant or witness in an investigation of sexual violence will not be subject to disciplinary sanctions for a violation of Section 102.27 at or near the time of the incident, unless the institution determines that the violation was egregious, including, but not limited to, an action that places the health or safety of any other person at risk. conduct that interferes with a speaker or presenter from delivering their message or an audience from receiving the message. (See also Section 13.30 of these Policies [UC PACAOS]. (235 Documents), STA 130a - 1brief Math Stat Third parties may be faculty or staff at other UC campuses or the Office of the President or individuals who are not affiliated with the University of California. Obstruction or disruption means that the behavior has caused interruption or interference of the teaching, research or public service missions of the University, the orderly operation of the campus and its administrative functions, campus disciplinary procedures, or other University activities. D. The appeal must be in writing, and may request that the decision and/or sanction(s) be amended or overruled on the following grounds: E. At the discretion of the Director, a copy of the appeal may be provided to the non-appealing party who may submit a written response within three days of receiving a copy of the appeal. If a reported student admits to a reported violation, but does not agree with the proposed disciplinary sanction, the student may request, in writing, that the Director determine the appropriate sanction. Prerequisites for minor courses are required (e.g., MGT 11A and STA 13 for MGT 160; MGT 11A and MGT 11B for MGT 170). A. Sexual Violence (including Sexual Assault – Penetration, Sexual Assault – Contact and Relationship Violence) is defined by the University of California Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment. If the reporting party is not the IOR, OSSJA will notify the IOR about the report and provide an outline of the case with the submitted evidence. An accused student is entitled to one support person to accompany them at a hearing. The appealing party has the burden of persuading the appeal authority that there is new information that was not known or available or would reasonably have not been known or available at the time of the hearing that is substantial and sufficient to alter the findings and decision. Absent exceptional circumstances, the University will not consider a petition for readmission for three years following Dismissal. (1105 Documents), STA 13 - Elementary Statistics Whether or not a hearing is conducted, campuses may provide written notice to a student that their alleged behavior may have violated University policy or campus regulations and that, if repeated, such behavior will be subject to the disciplinary process. Normally, a CJB or hearing panel will consist of three persons. OSSJA may offer to resolve the case informally by agreement between the student and OSSJA. OSSJA will provide a deadline of at least seven (7) days after sending the notice of pending disciplinary action before imposing the stated unilateral action. The role of the advisor may be expanded in exceptional cases at the discretion of the Director if a party will be unfairly disadvantaged in the absence of such additional assistance. C. The student is entitled to request and have a prompt hearing before the Director at which time the student has a right to respond regarding the imposition of the interim suspension or the alleged misconduct. The Director or hearing authority will provide a brief explanation as to why the information will not be included. Consider the normal error regression model. A student may not transfer or register for courses at another campus or location of the University of California during the period of Suspension. FALL 2018 WINTER 2019 SPRING 2019 Course Instructor Course Instructor Course Instructor STA 106 J. Peng STA 106 TBA STA 103 TBA STA 108 TBA STA 106 TBA STA 104 TBA STA … STA 104: Applied Statistical Methods: Nonparametric Statistics . - Under University of California policy (University of California PACAOS 70), the following summarizes the basic standards of due process provided to a RSO for reports adjudicated by the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) as Tier 2 violations. The hearing authority will prepare a brief written report and recommend findings of fact to the Director. Agriculture and man; the agricultural industry in U.S. and world economies; production and supply, marketing and demand; agricultural land, capital and labor markets; economic and social problems of agriculture in an urban and industrialized economy emphasizing California. E. There is no appeal process following a decision to lift, modify or keep an interim sanction in place. The Chancellor also may take other reasonable actions to ensure that the status of the student's relationship to the University shall not be adversely affected. Examples of hazing activities may be found at the Center for Student Involvement website. ), The President shall consult as appropriate with Chancellors, Vice Presidents, the Office of the General Counsel, and University-wide advisory committees prior to amending these Policies. C. The term "hearing authority" applies to 1, 2, 3, or 4 above. B. OSSJA has discretion to take any of the following unilateral actions: C. Appeal of unilateral action. The conduct may also constitute a violation of local, state or federal laws. If found in violation, OSSJA imposes the appropriate sanctions and/or outcomes. An appointed CJB student or faculty member may serve on hearing panels in disciplinary matters without special appointment. interfering with the orderly operation of the campus involving teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or other University activities. Disciplinary Records involving Censure/Warning, Disciplinary Probation, and Deferred Separation will be maintained until the student receives their degree. Reports of misconduct by a RSO are categorized as Tier 1 or Tier 2 policy violations. If the hearing is open to the public, notice of the decision may be made public. If there is an alleged violation of the No Contact Directive, OSSJA will review and decide whether to pursue disciplinary action. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, conduct that is motivated on the basis of a person's race, color, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identify, pregnancy, marital status, ancestry, service in the uniformed services, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), or perceived membership in any of these classifications. UC Davis has designated the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) to administer student conduct policies and procedures for academic and social misconduct, recognizing that centralized authority, responsibility, and record-keeping are essential to a balanced and impartial student conduct process. Educational assignments include, but are not limited to: The University may facilitate a restorative justice circle to allow the parties to express their perspective about the incident and to address the harm caused by the violation. Other than the official record provided above, mechanical or electronic devices for recording or broadcasting are excluded from the hearing. There is no appeal process following a decision to lift, modify or keep an interim sanction in place. Davis, CA  95616 Any hearing authority, in addition to making recommendations on a discipline case, may recommend to OSSJA that identified University policies and/or campus regulations (including these procedures) be modified for stated reasons. interfering with an instructor’s or teaching assistant’s ability to teach a class, or interfering with other students’ participation in a class. However, when student status is a condition of employment, the loss of student status will result in termination of the student's employment. A. As specified under Section 12.40 (c) of UC PACAOS, "enrolled in or registered with an academic program of the University" is not limited to taking classes at the University. No additional appeal rights are available to either party. - If either party or witnesses decide to selectively testify, the hearing authority may consider the selective participation when evaluating credibility. If a student is enrolled in multiple schools, then each school to which the student is enrolled act at their discretion for the event. The University may report alleged violations of university regulations by a RSO to the organization's governing body or affiliated organizations. University administrative policies. An offer of amnesty will depend on factors, including, but not limited to the seriousness of the incident, intent to violate Section 102.27 &c., and whether amnesty has been provided previously. OSSJA will notify the RSO, in writing, of an alleged violation and direct the RSO to schedule a meeting, normally within three days of the notice. The UC Davis Schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine have established their own hearing bodies and written procedures for resolving student discipline cases involving their own students. At the pre-hearing conference, the parties will submit documents and lists of witnesses and the general facts to which they will testify. The report should include the student’s name, student ID number (if available), approximate date/time/location of the reported violation, and nature of the violation. If because of an official campus appeal it is determined that the student was improperly disciplined, the Chancellor shall, if requested by the student, have the record of the hearing sealed, and have any reference to the disciplinary process removed from the student's record. Such reimbursement may take the form of monetary payment or appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damages. OSSJA has authority to set a shorter deadline. The role of a hearing authority is to conduct a formal hearing and recommend findings to OSSJA whether a preponderance of the evidence establishes a violation of conduct standards. No new evidence may be presented during a closing summary. A Notice of Decision on Appeal will be provided in the same manner as Section 103.11.5.B. Providing false information in the conduct process may be considered a basis for additional charges or be considered an aggravating factor for assigning disciplinary sanctions. OSSJA and the Student Housing Office will instead retain a separate non-disciplinary administrative record of the incident. G. Graduate and professional students are eligible for use of this Protocol. There is incongruity between the findings and the sanction(s). Information from the informal resolution process may be shared with the reporting party and may become evidence in a later formal process. If referred, the student has an opportunity to meet with a Judicial Officer for an informal hearing. The OSSJA staff person will not attend, nor participate in deliberations. (174 Documents), STA 104 - The Decision on Appeal will be completed within 14 days of submission of the appeal unless extended by the appeal authority. Students may not arrange for internships, study abroad, or other opportunities through any UC department or program. The student retains all rights under this policy to any disciplinary proceedings involving the charges for which the interim suspension was issued. A. Disciplinary Reports Related to Alleged Crimes. OSSJA will consider requests from the reported student for disability related accommodations. Upon receiving a written report or a request for review, OSSJA will evaluate the matter. When there is reasonable cause to believe that the student's participation in University activities or presence at specified areas of the campus will lead to physical abuse, threats of violence, or conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person, or other disruptive activity incompatible with the orderly operation of the campus. The Director or hearing authority may exclude material that is determined to be repetitious or otherwise not relevant. G. While in place, the University will normally review interim suspensions each quarter and determine whether the interim suspension should be retained, modified, or overturned. Faculty CJB members serve one or two year terms and may be reappointed. Thereafter, notations of suspension or dismissal reflected on a student’s transcript may be removed as set forth in campus regulations. A status imposed for a specified period of time during which a student must demonstrate conduct that conforms to University standards of conduct. The appealing party has the burden of persuading the appeal authority that (i) the University did not follow its procedures during the hearing or (ii) there was demonstrated bias, such that, if true, is substantial and sufficient to alter the findings and decision. In addition to individuals seeking a degree at UC Davis, this includes, but is not limited to, individuals taking courses through UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education or UC Davis Study Abroad. OSSJA will send a written notice of Sanction Review to the student containing the following information: Normally, the student may submit materials and/or meet with the Director no later than seven (7) days after the date of the Notice of Sanction Review. It is recommended for students interested in pursuing graduate programs in statistics, machine learning, or data science, as well as for students interested in learning statistical techniques for industry. A. D. Formal hearings involving charges of alleged academic misconduct will be heard by hearing panels composed of faculty and students, or a faculty hearing officer. University of California, Davis STA 108 - Summer 2012 sta108_practice_final_sol.pdf. The support person may not testify as a witness. The panel may exclude irrelevant or unduly repetitious evidence. Tier 1 policy violations involve minor violations of University administrative policies identified in, but not limited to, Section J. CSI may address Tier 1 policy violations with a RSO according to CSI policy. For research and independent study courses (92, 190C, 192, 198, 199), students need to contact faculty directly to complete this form: Variable Unit Agreement.More information on department faculty can be found at the following link: PHS Faculty.Once a course is set up, then students need to e-mail for the course registration number (CRN). A matter may be referred for a fact-finding hearing to a hearing authority as described below. (See also Section 13.40 of these Policies [UC PACAOS].). A student may be assigned to research a topic related to ethics, read assigned books, and write a paper. C. Obstruction or disruption includes, but is not limited to: A. (258 Documents), STA 131A - A0 Prob Theory H. Nothing in this Protocol will prevent an individual who is obligated by local, state or federal law from reporting, charging or taking other action related to the possible criminal prosecution of any student or non‐affiliate. A written log/index of the timing of each witness's testimony may be kept, but is not required. The Director has sole discretion to determine whether a hearing officer or hearing panel conducts a formal hearing. OSSJA will review and determine the possible impact on the disciplinary process. Spring 2014, STA 108 The hearing authority may exclude an advisor from the hearing if the advisor fails to comply with the hearing procedures, becomes disruptive, or impedes or interferes with the hearing process. OSSJA informs a student not to have further contact with another individual in any form (Section 104.80.2). The first meeting is part of the informal resolution process. E. If several witnesses will be presented, the issues are complex, or if otherwise deemed useful, a pre-hearing conference may be scheduled at the discretion of the hearing panel chair, hearing officer, or OSSJA. A student is provided an opportunity to meet with a OSSJA staff person to respond to a Name on File. C. Late reports may not be the subject of a formal hearing, unless the Director grants an extension for cause. Statistics graduates from UC Davis find that their knowledge is applicable to a wide array of fields, including biological sciences, business and engineering. Either party may challenge a panel member or hearing officer for stated reasons. Statistics and Research STA 13 or 32 or SOC 46B (3-5) Computer Science PLS 21 or ECS 15 (3-4) TOTAL UNITS: 22-26 DEPTH SUBJECT MATTER Comparative Community Change CRD 142, 152, 153 A or B or C, 164, 172, 176 or 180 (12-13) Winter 2013, Suppose A and B are matrices each with 10 rows and 5 columns. The term "hearing authority" applies to 1, 2, 3, or 4 above. Spring 2015, STA 108 A statement that a student has the right to remain silent without any negative inference; however, when a student selectively participates in the process – such as choosing to answer some but not all questions posed, the hearing authority may consider the selective participation in evaluating the party’s credibility. Such campus implementing regulations will include processes for notifying the student of the hold, the conditions in which a hold will be removed, and the process for allowing the student to request the removal of the hold. Restitution may be imposed on any student who alone, or through group or concerted activities, participates in causing the damages or costs. Such holds may be placed when a student fails to respond to a campuses written notice of charges or to prevent a student from transferring or having their degree conferred until all allegations against a student or any assigned sanctions and student disciplinary conditions have been fully resolved. OSSJA may retain a student's name on file (Name on File) as a written record of a student violation reported to OSSJA by other university officials. The loss of University employment shall not be a form of discipline under these Policies. Winter 2012, STA 108 In accordance with UC Davis Policy and Procedure Manual. that are illegal, perverse, publicly indecent, contrary to the individual’s genuine moral and/or religious beliefs, or contrary to the rules, policies, and regulations of the University. Analysis of Variance [STA 13 or STA 13Y or STA 32 or STA100] 4 All VEN 125 Wine Types and Sensory Evaluation PLS 120 or STA 106 2 S STA 141A Fundamentals of Statistical Data Science (STA 108 or STA 106); (STA 032 or STA 100 or STA 013 or STA 013Y) 4 F, S ECS 124 Theory and Practice of Bioinformatics [ECS 10 or ECS 32A or ECS The Decision on Appeal by the AVC is final. After all evidence has been heard, the accused and the reporting party may present a brief closing summary. UC Davis research has shown that super sweet varieties typically require a 4 min blanch while sweet corn varieties require 6 or more minutes for corn-on-the-cob. Authority for student discipline at UC Davis is delegated from the Chancellor to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs ("Vice-Chancellor"), the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs ("Associate Vice-Chancellor"), and the Director of Student Support and Judicial Affairs ("Director"). (see 103.10.9 B. and C.). F. Under University of California policy (University of California PACAOS 70), the following summarizes the basic standards of due process provided to a RSO for reports adjudicated by the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) as Tier 2 violations. J. Administrative actions are not disciplinary sanctions, and do not constitute a conduct record. Disciplinary records for students at the Schools of Medicine or Veterinary Medicine are kept by the school in question, and OSSJA may be notified of any disciplinary action taken against such students. Recommendations for revision or amendment to these procedures: OSSJA periodically reviews and proposes revisions to student conduct policies and procedures. I. Defined as a delay in imposing a Suspension or Dismissal, which means that a Suspended or Dismissed student may be permitted to remain in school on condition that they agree to waive the right to a formal fact-finding hearing, or that the right to a formal fact-finding hearing has been rescinded through adjudication following a formal hearing or sanction review. The University may be able to work with the employer to rearrange shifts or reduce communication. B. If communication is necessary because of legal action, then a No Contact Directive cannot preempt these rights. The e-mail address of the primary listed officer for the RSO will be considered the official contact address for the RSO. Defined as a delay in imposing a Suspension or Dismissal, which means that a Suspended or Dismissed student may be permitted to remain in school on condition that they agree to waive the right to a formal fact-finding hearing, or that the right to a formal fact-finding hearing has been rescinded through adjudication following a formal hearing or sanction review. Examples of hazing activities may be found at the Center for Student Involvement website. Revisions to UC Davis student conduct policies and procedures are coordinated and published by OSSJA in accordance with University and campus policies. If a reported student admits to a reported violation, but does not agree with the proposed disciplinary sanction, the student may request, in writing, that the Director determine the appropriate sanction. May direct communication involving a campus or registered student organization to occur through third parties. May be considered a mutual directive when appropriate. Prohibited use or possession of alcohol, Copying for any commercial purpose handouts, readers or other course materials provided by an instructor as part of a University of California course unless authorized by the University in advance and explicitly permitted by the course instructor or the copyright holder in writing (if the instructor is not the copyright holder), Looking through a hole or opening, into, or otherwise viewing, by means of any instrumentality, the interior of a private location without the subject’s knowledge and express consent, Making a video recording, audio recording, or streaming audio/video of private, non-public conversations and/or meetings, without the knowledge and express consent of all recorded parties. STA 108 conduct that interferes with others’ lawful access to University activities or University-owned, -operated, or -controlled facilities, Failure to identify or comply with directions, Failure to identify oneself to, or comply with the directions of, a University official or other public official acting in the performance of their duties while on University property or at official University functions, Failure to comply with a University No Contact Directive issued by a University official, Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, use, or sale of, or the attempted manufacture, distribution, dispensing, or sale of controlled substances, , identified in federal and state law or regulations, Prohibited manufacture, distribution, dispensing or sale of controlled substances, Prohibited use or possession of controlled substances, Manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, use, or sale of, or the attempted manufacture, distribution, dispensing, or sale of alcohol, that is unlawful or otherwise prohibited by, or not in compliance with, University policy or campus regulations, Prohibited manufacture, distribution, dispensing or sale of alcohol, Selling, preparing, or distributing for any commercial purpose course lecture notes or video or audio recordings.

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