why arjuna is the best archer

Beside above, why was Arjuna Favourite to Krishna? Arjuna said that he saw only the bird’s eye. He was a great warrior, but a very withdrawn man. She was actually a snake, called Ulupi. Suryastra: Surya, God of the sun, gave this weapon to Arjuna. Krsna always protects His devotees. He was a great warrior with a good knowledge of weapons. His mixed bronze medal came with India’s one of the best Archer – Deepika Kumari. In a loving mood, I set out to see once more my dear friend. The powerful Drona then taught the sons of Pandu to use all kinds of divine and human weapons. (1). Kings do not fraternize with nonroyalty. Soon Arjuna became Drona’s favourite pupil and Drona promised to make him the greatest archer in the world. Presenting himself as Drona's disciple, he stood before the great master with hands folded in reverence. 4. This weapon is commonly mentioned as used to counter the Agneyastra. Arjuna plays the role of the reader in the Bhagavad Gita. To quench his thirst, Arjuna shot an arrow into the earth and a stream of water sprung up and into the veteran’s mouth. This story illustrates that while Arjuna was far from perfect, he had one over riding quality which sets him above and apart from the others. According to Mahabharata, Arjun had married four times and had four wives. O best of the Bharatas, as Yudhisthira, the beloved Kuru prince, stood with his bowstring stretched, Drona paused for a moment and asked him, "O son of noble men, do you see the bird on top of the tree? All the Karna fans please remember, if you try your level best then also Arjuna will be remembered as great success full person and Karna will always be treated as nothing but a great looser. Dronacharya made Arjuna the best archer on this eartha dn as Gurudakshina (fees) he ordered Arjuna to wage a war against Drupad in order to avenge for … As all the princes wandered about, each engaged in his own quest, the foolish dog lost its direction, and while roaming about in the forest the dog approached Ekalavya, the son of the Nisadha king. Tell your grandfather Bhisma about me, what I look like, and what I have done. Then Sri Krishna revealed his Virat roop and gave him life lessons and explained why this dharma-yuddha is taking place. 102. Here is a handful of arrows made of reeds; I have empowered them by chanting military mantras. Arjuna was considered the finest archer and a peerless warrior by many notable figures in the Mahabharata, such as Bhishma, Drona, Krishna, Vidura, and Dhritarashtra. In the core of Ekalavya's heart, he desired to become better than the best of Vaisnavas, Arjuna. At last, Karna came forward and lifted the bow, when he got to string the bow then Draupadi asked him that this competition was not for Sut Putra( Son of Low born person). 101. In fact, he was always victorious only due to Krishna. Before the beginning of the war, his mentor, Krishna, ta… The puissant Arjuna, supported by the servants of the Vrishnis, struck the robbers with shafts sped from Gandiva. An unschooled man cannot be a friend to a scholar, nor a man with no chariot a friend to a chariot warrior. [Ekalavya had not actually obeyed Drona's order that he couldn't become Drona's disciple, but] now Ekalavya worshiped Drona according to standard procedure. Arjuna (Sanskrit: अर्जुन, IAST: Arjuna), also known as Partha and Dhananjaya, is the main protagonist of the Indian epic Mahabharata and also appears in other ancient Hindu texts including the Bhagavata Purana. The next day, when Arjuna went to take a bath in the river, Ulupi took the form of a snake and caught hold of his leg and dragged him patal lok. "Approaching my old friend Drupada, as he was now called, I said, 'My lord, O tiger of men, it is I, your friend! Setting his mind against the king of Pancala, the clever sage then journeyed to Hastinapura, the capital of the Kuru leaders. "So be it," they said, and they all went and told grandfather Bhisma exactly what the brahmana had said, and especially what he had done. To Arjuna, it was Krishna’s words that were absolute. He reached Dwarka, the place where his cousin Krishna resided. Arjuna was a central character of the Indian epic Mahabharata. Krishna also reminded Arjuna that remember how his son Abhimanyu was killed without any rules and regulations. Draupadi had to marry all five of the Pandavas. Hearing from the boys, Bhisma knew that the brahmana was Drona, and he thought, "Such a qualified person is the right man to teach these boys.". She was the daughter of the king of snakes, Kauravya, and lived in the snake kingdom in patal lok. Several events occur whilst the Pandavas reside in the Kingdom of Matsya. He fears war and is encouraged/uplifted by Arjuna who eventually battles the whole Kaurava army alone and defeats them. Under no circumstances is it to be used against human beings, for if launched against an enemy of little strength the excess fire of this weapon can burn up the cosmos. The rule was that Pandavas had to spend the 12 years of exile and 13th year as an Agyatvas. He thus became especially dear to Drona. The charioteer Krishna is the Atma (Self, sometimes referred as Higher Intellect or Buddhi) leading the chariot into the middle of two armies of Kauravas (Demonic nature) and Pandavas (Divine nature) … Ekalavya's endeavor to learn the Dhanur Veda and his desire to become great were not accepted by his guru. He needed a guru to be considered bona fide, or perhaps it would not be possible to become great without accepting a guru. My dear king, the mighty Drona, son of Bharadvaja, approached Drupada, son of Prsata, and said, "O king, know me to be your friend Drona. narr:- Trained in arms by the preceptor Drona, by Sakra, and Vaisravana, and Yama, and Varuna, and Agni, and Kripa, and Krishna of Madhu’s race, and by the wielder of the Pinaka (Siva), why shall I not fight with these? If Ekalavya had unconditional and natural devotion for Hari (God), guru, and Vaisnava (the devotee of the Lord), then the guru, Dronacarya, and the best of Vaisnavas, Arjuna, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, would not have been dissapointed by Ekalavya's behavior. While aiming he asked him, what he saw. ", Arjuna replied, "I see the bird. Yes Arjuna’s another name was KARNJIT because he had conquered Karna many times in battle and killed him armed. During the incognito period if the Pandavas were discovered with their true identities, they would serve another 12 years of exile in the forest. I see neither you nor the tree. (5), Among the Kuru princes, Drona had two disciples especially skillful in club-fighting Duryodhana and Bhima. Gathering together all his grandsons, with varieties of riches, Bhisma said, "Here are your disciples." With these considerations Ekalavya formed an imaginary or clay material form of the guru. Some may say that ultimately Ekalavya accepted the cruel order of his guru without protest. Arjuna’s father invited him to visit heaven. The demons also perform austerities, even more than the demigods. Guru Drona’s own son, Ashwathamma, disliked the fact that his own father Brady Ellison, top-ranked seasoned American recurve archer and one of the best archer names in Olympic archery. "Look at that!" One day, Drona kept a toy bird in a tree asked all the boys including son for one competition. But if we consider this issue more carefully and deeply, we can see that Ekalavya considered mundane morality greater than transcendental devotion. it guarantee you will have a non-limited SSR archer. O ruler of the earth, hearing these words the Kaurava princes remained silent. Drona submitted all the reasons for his coming to Hastinapura. Arjuna defeated all protectors of Jaydratha including Karna, Drona, Kirpa, and Ashwtthama, and killed Jayadratha. Varunastra: Varun, GOD of water, gave this weapon to Arjuna. i have read that arjuna is a powerful archer, but ekalavya proved to be the best when arjuna faced ekalavya. He then continued shooting arrows with his remaining fingers, O king, but not as quickly as before. Arjuna, Tamamo, and an Arts damage dealer could be a solid team, as Tamamo would offset the cooldown on Arjuna’s second skill and would help him get his defense down up more often. He did inhumane things to prevent that. A moment later the mighty teacher spoke again to the greatest Pandava warrior, "If you see the bird, then speak more about it. “What is this blackness Arjuna?” “It is the blackness in the center of the eye of the sparrow, my lord. That should be considered. Arjuna trained in all these advanced techniques and believed he was the best archer in the world. The weapon discharged would release torrential volumes of water. Then Hunter(Shiva) transformed himself to show his real avatar and blessed Arjuna with the  Pashupatastra. his best to protect it, but could not succeed. I've recently been watching B R Chopra's Mahabharat. Arjuna moved to other Tirthas, including Dwarka. Then Karna praised him by comparing him with Lord Vishnu. Hiranyakasipu and Prahlada are the proof. But, O ruler of men, the wicked sons of Dhrtarastra could not stand to see the superior strength displayed by Bhimasena or the perfect knowledge achieved by Arjuna. Krishna advised Arjuna to kidnap Subhadra and married with her and Subhadra gave birth to a son , Abhimanyu. At that time, Karna felt insulted and drop the bow. O best of the twice-born, you and I once enjoyed a friendship because it was practical at that time. An unschooled man cannot be a friend to a scholar, nor can a man with no chariot be a friend to a chariot warrior. Then Krishna took charge and explained the necessity and inevitability of the war to Arjuna. Still, in Hiding, Pandavas disguised themselves as brahmins and attended the Swayamvara of Panchala Princess Draupadi. On the other incident, One day Dhronacharya was standing in the river for Surya Namaskar and he got captured by the crocodile and rescued by Arjuna. His face jubilant and his mind free of remorse, he sliced off his right thumb without hesitation and offered it to Drona. He made Arjuna eat his food in a pitch dark cell every day. Then he tested his other disciples, headed by Bhima, and the kings of various countries, but all replied, "We see everything you have mentioned." Full dedication to his guru makes Arjuna the best of Drona's students. Pandavas secretly went from Varnavrat( Lakshagrah) after saving themselves from the evil plan of Duryodhana, Shakuni, and Karna. In a famous incident, Drona’s son Ashwattama asked him why he gave the best student title to Arjuna without any competition. Wearing the mask of guru-bhakti (devotion to the guru), Ekalavya revolted against his guru. I was also attached to his friendship, and we kept company together for a long time, from our childhood up through our student years. Chang Hye Jin, South Korean recurve archer, this female archer has come to rank number one in women's archery. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "O unfailing Bhisma," Drona began, "in the past I went to the great saint Agni-vesya to get skill in weapons, for I wanted to master the military science. Whether his guru actually considered him disqualified by birth in a low-class family, or was simply testing him for whatever reason when his guru refused to teach him the art ofDhanur Veda, Ekalavya was dutybound to accept the instruction of his spiritual master. Ekalavya's main intention was to learn Dhanur Veda and become great. Yet despite this foolhardy streak in his character, Arjuna is the one who is etched upon the heart of humanity as the ideal to which to aspire. What is the value of a friend of the past? Bhisma and the sons of Pandu accepted Drona as guru. ", Hearing this, Ekalavya was pleased and said, "What may I offer you, my lord? He then went to the forest and without the teacher's knowledge or consent crafted out of earthen clay a mystical form of Drona. Why he chose Arjuna may be because of two reasons: 1) Stories say that Krishna and Arjuna are pair of Nara and Narayana, so this can be a one of the reason. He was known as the best archer of his time. Arjuna- The Greatest Archer in Mahabharata. I shall pierce your ball with a reed-arrow, and I shall pierce that arrow with another, and that with another, till I form a chain connecting your ball to my hand.". That was not his honest desire. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that we cannot judge a devotee just by seeing his external austerities. Arjuna Eldest brother Yudhishtar lost his kingdom to his cousin Duryodhan in the game of gambling it was conditioned that Pandavas had to leave the palace and live life like ascetics. Among all his students, PANDU son ARJUNA was the favourite student of Dronacharya. He is most intelligent and will correctly ascertain my identity. See, for example, Bhagavad-gita 10.10. Then Arjuna wanted to go back to earth and Ulupi took him there. While very disciplined and absolutely focused, he was terribly insecure throughout his life. When the students of Drona, leader of men, had at last completed their studies, Drona gathered them all together, eager to test their knowledge. Drona presses Arjuna. He was a very big giant and ate a lot of food but he was described to be of a good character as he told his brother Ravana for returning the Sita to Bhagwan Shri…, Guru Dhronacharya was an important role in Mahabharat. Kichaka, the brother of the queen and the commander of Virata Army falls for Sairandhri(Draupadi)and tries to attain her by force. The Bhagavad-gita, the “Song of God,” is the best-known Hindu scripture in the world.Forming two chapters of the Mahabharata, it is a spiritual treatise spoken by Krishna to Arjuna as they sat on a chariot between two armies poised for battle.. So Arjuna took care that such an atheistic principle not be established. He carefully instructed the son of Pandu in the battle of clubs, swords, darts, lances, and javelins, and in the art of combat that mixed weapons. With the support of Duryodhana, he insulted the sons of Pandu. He noticed that his hand was not baffled in finding his mouth, because his hand was so accustomed to eating. He had also married Nagkanya Ulupi and finally married Chitavahan’s daughter Chitrangada. Although able to free himself, Drona called out to his disciples, "Kill the crocodile and save me! He did not offer the daksina with spontaneous devotion. Lord Vishnu said to Arjuna – “May this teach you to be humble. He killed many kuru warriors but in the end multiple warriors attacked him on all sides and he was killed by Durjaya, the son of Dushasana. While his body lay on the bed of arrows above the ground, his head hung unsupported, he asked all the boys of Kauravas and Pandavas to give him support under his head. He was one of the major characters in the Mahabharata. (Otherwise, he would have accepted the guru's first order.). As the dog barked at him, Ekalavya shot seven arrows into its mouth, so quickly that they seemed to fly all at once. [Yet even though Drona had turned him down, Ekalavya did not accept the decision of the master.] Arjuna and Parshurama both were trained by Lord Mahadeva himself. Arjuna was attracted to Subhadra and desired to marry her. Ekalavya wanted his skill to be greater than that acquired by learning the Vedic wisdom directly from a bona fide spiritual master, as Arjuna had done. She also gave him a boon that no creature of water could defeat him. The Kauravas hid Jayadratha from Arjuna in a formation, knowing that Arjuna’s death would result in a Kaurava victory. It was not from pride that Arjuna desired to be the best, but from love for his teacher; he wanted his master's word to be kept and his prestige as a guru thus sustained. As the Mahabharata continues, Drona visits his former friend and classmate Drupada, who has now become a king. Lord Shiva pleased with him and disguised himself as a hunter. His relationship with Radha was considered a supreme example of love. Everywhere he went women gave him their hearts. That is what finally happened to Ekalavya. He had two queens named Draupadi and Suvadra. In the great battle at Kurukshetra, Bhishma was the supreme commander of the Kaurava forces for ten days. Drona then kissed Arjuna's head again and again, and embracing him with affection wept tears of joy. Draupadi’s father Dhrupad wanted to test the kings by lifting and string the Shiva Dhanush to pierce the eye of a golden fish only by looking at its reflection. However, Chitrangada stayed in her own city with her son Babhru when Arjun returned to Hastinapur. Arjuna, since his younger times have been the best archer and under the guidance of Guru Dronacharya, he became invincible. Seeing Drona approaching, Ekalavya came forward, touched his head to the ground, and embraced his master's feet. Your intimate friendship with me was justified and proper in the past because we were both students in a similar situation. He…, Copyright © 2021 Random Gyan — Primer WordPress theme by. Pleased with Shri Krishna Arjun, embraced him and gave tribute to Chitrasen, Maharishi Galav also forgave Chitrasen. He wanted to become great. Arjuna was considered the finest archer and a peerless warrior by many notable figures in the Mahabharata, such as Bhishma, Drona, Krishna, Vidura, and Dhritarashtra. In that fierce battle, even 8 forms of Lord Shiva failed to defeat Arjuna. Realizing Ekalavya's identity, the Pandavas returned home and told Drona the entire amazing story. As they sported, the ball fell into a well, and they could find no means to get the ball back. One day, he saw his elder brother Bhima eating in the dark, he trained himself to shoot accurately without visualizing his target. Arjuna was indeed better warrior than Parshurama. He was also known as Devavrat. Shame on your skill with weapons! said the frightening Arjuna, promising his teacher with folded hands. Drona asked only Arjuna to shoot and he shot the bird at the right spot. (2). But it was the 2014 Archery World Cup, where Atanu was at his absolute best. The latter then removed three arrows from his quiver and placed them under Bhishma’s head, thus offering it the required support. Ekalavya's sense of morality inspired him to cut off his thumb. The desire to become greater than the Vaisnavas is not devotion. Kings do not fraternize with nonroyalty. Full dedication to his guru makes Arjuna the best of Drona's students. Smriti: The Bhagavad-gita. Angry by nature, Radheya wanted to defeat Arjuna. Witnessing Drona's skill, kings and princes assembled by the thousands, Maharaja, eager to learn the military Veda. Drona as a token of appreciation gifted him The Divine Bhramastra. Arjun married her during his travels to Manipur. Thereafter, when Arjuna was once eating by lamp-light the wind blew and extinguished the lamp's flame, but Arjuna continued to eat. Joining the sons of Pandu, kings and princes from the Vrsni and Andhaka dynasties and from many other countries came to Drona, the best of brahmanas, for they were eager to learn the use of weapons. Arjuna was born to Kunti and king Pandu with the energy of Indra, the leader of the GOD. Arjuna vowed to kill him the very next day before sunset, failing which he would kill himself by jumping in a fire. What need is there for a friend of the past? Arjuna's action was a manifestation of his mercy toward Ekalavya and the whole world. 2) This can be a main reason behind Krishna's choice for Arjuna. He was one of the five Pandava brothers He was a great archer and an ideal student also. Shri Krishna and Arjuna obeyed Mahadev and recalled their weapons. ", Drona pressed him on this very point; again and again Yudhisthira gave the same answer. Brahmana, your understanding of things is not very mature, nor is it at all sound, for you come in such a forward manner and tell me that I am your intimate friend. He studied how the child Arjuna was devoted and dedicated and then chose him to impart knowledge about Divyastras. He is alsoconsidered to be a reincarnation of sage Nara, the eternal companion ofNarayana or Vishnu. The instant I give the word, you must cut off its head. When they were alone together in a secluded place and the disciples sat at his feet, Drona said to them with great determination, "There is a task that needs to be done, and it ever turns in my heart. They got married and had a son names Iravan. His first marriage was with Draupadi. Reasons Why Arjuna is better warrior than Karna: 1) Karna tried to imprison Drupada with help of Kauravas and their army but he retreated. Dear sons, as I command each of you, one by one, do just as I say. Arjuna used this Astra against Shakuni on the 12th day of the Kurukshetra War. To many people, Ekalavya's devotion to his guru is ideal, but there is a special consideration. (3). One day, with Drona's permission, all the Kuru and Pandava princes, who were fierce warriors, set out on their chariots to hunt in the forest. Arjuna was the 3rd of the Pandavas after Yudhistira and Bhīma. The term buddhi-yoga is elaborately explained in the Bhagavad-gita. In kurukshetra arjuna cries , when he cannot face bhishma ( the powerful ganga putr) and ultimately bhishma cuts arjuna's gandiva into peaces. Seeing the boys trying to get their ball, powerful Drona chuckled at the scene and rebuked them in a friendly way. The best archer in the world. Although the same instructions in the use of weaponry were given to all the students, Arjuna alone, by his skill and dedication, received the title Atiratha, "an outstanding chariot fighter." Grandfather Bhisma, the greatest of swordsmen, then personally fetched Drona with much honor and questioned him in a delicate manner. So he decided to please Lord Shiva by his severe penance. But he refused them, and instead, asked Arjuna to give him a pillow fit for a warrior. In weaponry as in affection for his teacher, Arjuna towered above all others. To learn sciences and devotions, people would have created imaginary, mundane, unconscious gurus instead of approaching a bona fide guru. Nowhere at all, O simple one, do we find such friendship between exalted monarchs and persons bereft of opulence and wealth. Fluent in several languages, Hridayananda Dasa Goswami has extensively taught Krsna consciousness in India, Europe, the United States, and Latin America. ", "I only see the bird's head, not its body.". Radheya, an alleged son of a chariot driver, also came to Drona to accept him as guru. Karna stepped out of his chariot and was distracted while trying to unstick it (as the third curse on him Read more here ). But devotion is the effort to remain submissive to the Vaisnavas. Arjuna tried. Karna was almost invincible and could easily succeed in destroying Arjuna if he really focused on the battle. I think Karna would have won if he wasn't handicapped by the various curses on him and if Krishna hadnt been protecting Arjun in their final fight. Impressed by Arjuna, Drona promised him that he would make Arjuna the greatest archer that ever lived or ever would live. Seeing Arjuna execute the command perfectly, Drona embraced him. In Mahabharat, no one warrior has multiple names as Arjuna has multiple names but in some foreign country, peoples know Arjuna as Karnjit because they know the truth that Arjuna was the far better archer than Karna. Bhagavad Gita is that section of Mahabharata, Where during the war Arjuna questioned lord Shri Krishna about why is this war happening and what would he get by killing his near and dear ones. Then Arjuna came forward, and lifted the bow with just one hand and hit the target, hence he won Draupadi. Ekalavya wanted to become greater than a Vaisnava, against his guru's desire. He would say, 'Drona, I am the most dear son of my father, and when he installs me on the royal throne of Pancala, then, I swear to you, my friend, the kingdom will be yours to enjoy. The passenger Arjuna is the Jivi (embodied individual soul). O innocent ones, tell me in truth that you will.".

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